This Pride month, we offer a collection of articles recently published from the Plum Village mahasangha and from the archives celebrating love, inclusivity, and sharing the experience of the LGBTQIA+ community. [LGBTQIA+ is an acronym standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and many other terms, such as non-binary and pansexual]
Expanding the Spectrum of Love
Brother Bao Tang and Rainbow Family Sangha members share heartfelt reflections on nurturing inclusiveness in the Rainbow Family.
This Pride month, we offer a collection of articles recently published from the Plum Village mahasangha and from the archives celebrating love, inclusivity, and sharing the experience of the LGBTQIA+ community. [LGBTQIA+ is an acronym standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and many other terms, such as non-binary and pansexual]
Expanding the Spectrum of Love
Brother Bao Tang and Rainbow Family Sangha members share heartfelt reflections on nurturing inclusiveness in the Rainbow Family.
My Ocean Mind
Dr. Ashley Mack shares how Thầy’s teachings bring freedom to the challenges of raising foster kids in a LGBTQIA+ family facing intergenerational trauma and depression.

Love and Relationships: Inclusivity
A Dharma talk by Sister Bội Nghiêm on understanding relationships and suffering in the LGBTQIA+ community
The Rainbow Family: Engaging with Suffering in the Present Moment
Brother Bao Tang on the value and benefit of the Rainbow Family: communities of LGBTQIA+ people within the Plum Village tradition.
International Queer Retreat: Coming Out, Coming Home, Coming Together
Jula and Mareike from the LGBTQIA+ Sangha share about the International Queer Retreat.

Rainbow Picnic
Vicki Frost and Ruth Bigger share how from LGBTQIA+ Dharma sharings on a retreat, inclusivity and a safe space in a Rainbow Sangha in the UK blossomed into an online Plum Village Rainbow Sangha.
On Love and Being Gay
Laurie Arron shares about true love and transforming silent suffering.
Practicing Like a Bodhisattva
Lisa November shares about living courageously, accepting others exactly where they are, and the aspiration to act with the eyes and heart of compassion.
Coming Out, Returning Home
Dharma teacher Caitriona Reed shares her experience coming out as transgender to Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community in 1998.