By K.C. Collins & Caitlin O’Donnell
On Tuesday, July 21, I walked into Supercuts with my close friend Caitlin and my mom. My heart was pounding because I was so excited. Soon a long-haired lady came to cut my hair. Caitlin watched behind the bar separating the hair-cutting chairs from the waiting chairs. The lady took out a little pair of scissors and said, “No turning back now.” I felt my head getting lighter with each cut. Then I saw my ponytail handed to my mom,

By K.C. Collins & Caitlin O'Donnell
On Tuesday, July 21, I walked into Supercuts with my close friend Caitlin and my mom. My heart was pounding because I was so excited. Soon a long-haired lady came to cut my hair. Caitlin watched behind the bar separating the hair-cutting chairs from the waiting chairs. The lady took out a little pair of scissors and said, "No turning back now." I felt my head getting lighter with each cut. Then I saw my ponytail handed to my mom, and it felt strange to have most of my hair gone. —K.C.
I sat in the waiting room of Supercuts on Wednesday, July 22. My heart thumped in my chest. I turned to my friend K.C. who has known me since birth. (We're the exact same age, by four days.) I whispered in a small voice, getting louder and louder, "If they don't hurry up, I'm running out of here screaming!" Almost immediately, a brown lady with a shaved head came towards me. I followed her to the seats. K.C. followed close behind; she had come to be my model since her hair had just been cut. K.C stood beside the chair and asked, "Do you want me to hold your hand?" I shook my head, my long brown hair flying. I was nervous. After watching K.C.'s hair being cut with a small pair of scissors, I was afraid it was going to take too long. But the lady pulled out a giant pair of scissors instead. She quickly put my hair in a pony tail and cut it off. The ponytail fell into her hands. She handed it to my mother. As I left, I felt light-headed and wonderful. —Caitlin
We sent our hair to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for children who lost their hair from illnesses. They use real kids' hair because grownups' hair is a different texture. They want the wigs to look real and not like a Barbie Doll's hair. We did it because we like helping people and making them feel happy. We hope a kid will be happy with our hair and if any of you want to cut your hair, we hope they will be happy with yours too.
K.C. Collins, 9, and Caitlin O'Donnell, 9, practice with Spirit Rock Meditation Center and Green Gulch Farm Zen Center in northern California. They both live in Berkeley, California. You can call Locks of Love at 1-888-896-1588. If you send your hair, it should be at least ten inches long and you should be under eighteen years old.