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Carla A. Boynton

Carla A. Boynton/Healing Connection of the Source (she/her) is a sixty-six-year-old artist living on the sacred land of the Nanticoke People in Lewes, Delaware, US. She is a member of the Ocean of Peace Sangha in Berlin, Maryland. Being disabled since 2000, she struggled most of her adult life with chronic pain, severe depression, and PTSD. Thầy’s teachings have changed her life, bringing many new insights that have markedly reduced her suffering.

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Articles in The Mindfulness Bell

I am stardust

Carla A. Boynton shares a poem that came to her while meditating on impermanence, as she and her wife face the end stages of their daughter’s life.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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