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Submission Guidelines

Book Manuscript Submissions

Parallax Press is a nonprofit publisher cofounded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We publish between 10 and 15 books annually on the art of mindful living and Engaged Buddhism. We are committed to offering teachings that help transform suffering and injustice and our aspiration is to contribute to collective insight and awakening, bringing about a more joyful, healthy, and compassionate society. Our authors include the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, and Dharma teachers in the international Plum Village tradition such as Sister Chan Khong, Sister Annabel Laity, Brother Phap Hai, Sister Dang Nghiem, and Brother Phap Huu. We also publish books by leaders and teachers in the areas of spiritual practice, social transformation, and environmental stewardship for a peaceful world.

We welcome submissions from both agents and individuals that further our mission. Please review our current titles to confirm that your book is appropriate before submitting your proposal. Thank you for thinking of us as a home for your work.

Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we are not able to respond to all submissions. We do not accept phone calls regarding the status of individual submissions. We cannot accept hard copy submissions at this time.

*We are currently not accepting unsolicited submissions for children’s books.*

We appreciate your interest in sharing your work with us and encourage you to check back periodically for any updates to our submission guidelines. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Please organize your proposal clearly and send it to Parallax Press with the following elements.

  1. Title and Subtitle of Project
  2. Synopsis: A three-paragraph synopsis of the manuscript and a word count of the completed manuscript.
  3. Table of Contents and Sample Chapters: Include a full table of contents as well as three sample chapters from the book.
  4. Audience: Describe the primary audience for your project in one paragraph. Demonstrate that there is substantial interest in this subject in the market and tell us why your book is right for Parallax Press. Share how you intend to reach your potential readers.
  5. Market: Give indicators of market interest, including examples of what other books out there are comparable to your book and how your proposal is both similar to and different from these books.
  6. Author Biography, Resume, and Platform: Attach a current resume, including relevant social media profiles and handles, together with an overview of the activities you plan online and in real life to help your book find its audience (e.g., speaking engagements, teaching workshops and classes). Together with a short bio, address specifically why you are the right person to write this book. Include your writing experience as well as your credentials in the area you are writing about and any boards, organizations, and networks of which you are an active member.

Email your proposal to submissions at parallax dot org.

Submissions for the Mindfulness Bell Magazine

The heart of the Mindfulness Bell is the creative expression of mindfulness practice offered by practitioners throughout the world. The beauty of each issue comes from the creative fruits offered by our readers.

For upcoming issues of the Mindfulness Bell, articles should include specific examples of how mindfulness practice in daily life is helping you to transform suffering, create peace, and improve relationships and well-being. The magazine also publishes artwork, photography, and poetry that relate to mindfulness in daily life and Engaged Buddhism. For more details, please read our “Upcoming Theme” and submission guidelines on The Mindfulness Bell website.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

00:00 / 00:00
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