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  • Bent

    How Yoga Saved My Ass

    A yoga teacher with an attitude shares irreverent stories about addiction, heartbreak, and illness.

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  • Issue 11

    The Mindfulness Bell: Summer 1994, Issue 11

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. Mindfulness in the workplace is the theme of this issue, including Thay's reflections on the art of living mindfully and others' insights into the realms of business, medicine, and education. Also included are responses about cultural and spiritual roots, and several articles about ways that meditation has helped readers deal with trauma.

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  • Issue 22

    The Mindfulness Bell: Fall 1998, Issue 22

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue, practitioners share their experiences of bringing mindfulness into schools, prisons, and hospitals; to impoverished people; and to the Earth herself.

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  • Issue 26

    The Mindfulness Bell: Summer 2000, Issue 26

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue, writers share how the warmth and light of practice transformed difficulties and opened doors of compassion and understanding.

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  • Issue 33

    The Mindfulness Bell: Spring 2003, Issue 33

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. This issue features a Dharma talk on poetry by Thich Nhat Hanh, sharings from new Dharma teachers, the Five Touchings of the Earth, education, healing, sacred clowning, and many other sharings from practitioners.

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  • Issue 36

    The Mindfulness Bell: Summer 2004, Issue 36

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue: commentary on the teachings of Master Linji by Thich Nhat Hanh; reflections from the Winter Retreat; the path of the Bodhisattva; young people’s practice; and more!

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  • Issue 43

    The Mindfulness Bell: Autumn 2006, Issue 43

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue: Thich Nhat Hanh on the Sutra on Mindful Breathing; the Sangha in Vietnam; offerings from children; practicing with the Mindfulness Trainings, and more!

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  • Issue 55

    The Mindfulness Bell: Autumn 2010, Issue 55

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. This issue offers many possibilities for transforming our livelihood and economy: Thay’s commentary on the Eleventh Mindfulness Training encourages us to keep compassion alive in our work; scholar Riane Eisler shares her vision of an economy based on compassion and creativity; a commitment to our core values can radically shift our work and economy; a social worker, family counselor, and school board member tell us how mindfulness supports their daily work; looking deeply at Sangha practice; People of Color Days of Mindfulness; Sanghas illustrate the power and beauty of many individuals practicing together.

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  • Wonderland


    The Zen of Alice

    Written in the non-traditional, humorous, and slightly irreverent tone of books like Sit Down and Shut Up, and Dharma Punx, Wonderland is a highly original riff on Alice in Wonderland, using...

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  • Mindfulness in the Marketplace

    Mindfulness in the Marketplace

    Compassionate Responses to Consumerism

    Mindfulness in the Marketplace suggests a reorientation of consumers from passive purchasers to aware, responsible citizens who see the dynamic connection between their purchases and their values. The Middle Path...

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  • Breathe My Dear

    Breathe My Dear – Calligraphy

    Printed calligraphy from Thich Nhat Hanh

    Calligraphies are a “bell of mindfulness” for the viewer, reminding us to arrive in the here and now, and touch the wonders of life.

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  • Smile To The Cloud In Your Tea

    Printed calligraphy from Thich Nhat Hanh

    Calligraphies are a “bell of mindfulness” for the viewer, reminding us to arrive in the here and now, and touch the wonders of life.

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  • Issue 16

    The Mindfulness Bell: Spring 1996, Issue 16

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue: Loving the Unlovable by Thich Nhat Hanh, daily practices, Sangha news, an update on Vietnam, and more.

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  • Issue 19

    The Mindfulness Bell: May-August 1997, Issue 19

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue: our Sangha siblings in New Zealand and Australia; voices in India and England reflecting on Thich Nhat Hanh's journeys there; Thich Nhat Hanh's clear and compassionate guidance in untangling ourselves from perceptions that can cause suffering; mindfulness practice in prison; practical guidance on facilitating Dharma discussion.

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  • Issue 24

    The Mindfulness Bell: Spring 1999, Issue 24

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue: Shining Light as discussed by Thich Nhat Hanh; difficulties as opportunities to deepen practice; insights for a healthy residential Sangha; the beauty of sharing experiences with Sangha; Wendy Johnson, Lyn Fine, and Larry Ward offer specific suggestions grown from the seeds of their experiences; Sangha practices from young people; and more.

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  • Issue 32

    The Mindfulness Bell: Winter 2002/2003, Issue 32

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. Please enter this issue as you would an orchard in the late autumn sun. There are a variety of appealing fruits to enjoy, in the form of articles, images and poetry. There is also the warm companionship and inspiration of many friends and teachers offering their insights and experiences on the path of practice. Taste, taste and see for yourself the sweetness, the sharpness, and the richness of the living Dharma.

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  • Issue 40

    The Mindfulness Bell: Autumn 2005, Issue 40

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue: Thay's Dharma talk on cultivating true happiness; our connection to Vietnam; practitioners offer their insights and transformation; family practices; and more!

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  • Issue 60

    The Mindfulness Bell: Summer 2012, Issue 60

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue, we honor the Plum Village 30th Anniversary and the Wake Up movement: our history and our future. This issue includes: a treasury of photos from the first decades of Plum Village; memories from the early years; the heart of our practice—changing mud into lotus flowers; how the Wake Up movement began with Thay’s repeated question: “How can we share the practice with young people?;” bright moments from the movement’s short history (Wake Up tours, the creation of a CD for peace, flash mob meditations).

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  • Essential Writings

    Thich Nhat Hanh: Essential Writings

    Modern Spiritual Masters Series

    Zen master, poet, monk and peace advocate, Thích Nhất Hạnh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who lived in exile in France for over 30 years. Through his writings and retreats he...

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  • Inside the Flame

    Inside the Flame

    The Joy of Treasuring What You Already Have

    Inside the Flame invites readers to unplug their computers, cell phones, and televisions and plunge back into overlooked nooks and crannies of everyday experience. We've lost touch with the richness...

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  • In Real Life

    In Real Life

    Searching for Connection in High-Tech Times

    Technology can help us with some of our most difficult work. It can also offer us endless distractions. Can technology help us, as individuals and communities, in our most important...

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  • Sale! A Pebble for Your Pocket

    Pebble for Your Pocket (2002 edition)

    This paperback is the first edition of Thích Nhất Hạnh's A Pebble for Your Pocket, published in 2002. Drawn from Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Dharma talks given to young people, A Pebble...

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  • The Adventures of Drip and Drop

    The Adventures of Drip and Drop

    Beloved children’s book authors Jaimal Yogis and Matthew Allen are back with a new children’s book about how mindfulness begins with a leap of faith to feel alive again The...

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  • Listen With Compassion

    Printed calligraphy from Thich Nhat Hanh

    Calligraphies are a “bell of mindfulness” for the viewer, reminding us to arrive in the here and now, and touch the wonders of life.

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  • You Are Much More

    You Are Much More Than Your Emotion – Calligraphy

    Printed calligraphy from Thich Nhat Hanh

    Calligraphies are a “bell of mindfulness” for the viewer, reminding us to arrive in the here and now, and touch the wonders of life.

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  • The Mindfulness Bell: Winter 1994, Issue 10

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue, Thich Nhat Hanh encourages us to become deeply rooted in our spiritual and blood families so we can enter the present moment fully, with strength and ease. The experiential pieces that follow describe the challenges of being present with difficult states of mind, family members, and neighbors, and in the midst of war, poverty, and oppression.

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  • Issue 28

    The Mindfulness Bell: Winter 2001, Issue 28

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue: Thay shares about the suffering caused by AIDS; Dharma teacher Jack Lawlor invites us to look at the habit energies present in our daily consumption; Peggy Rowe and Tracy Sarriugarte offer practices that cultivate consumption of nourishing and healing nutriments; mindfulness practice in social action and daily practice; mindful speech practice; and more.

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  • Issue 44

    The Mindfulness Bell: Winter/Spring 2007, Issue 44

    A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

    This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. In this issue: Thich Nhat Hanh on consciousness and quantum physics; teachings on peace; the Fifty-One Mental Formations; prison as a hermitage; everyday Dharma; and more!

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  • Sale! Breathe

    Pewter Seal Thich Nhat Hanh Quote Necklaces

    The engraved pewter seals on these necklaces are both a quote and a reminder from teacher Thích Nhất Hạnh. Choose from the following: Breathe Peace in oneself, peace in the...

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  • Sale! Happy Veggies

    Happy Veggies (1988 edition)

    This is the first edition hardcover of Mayumi Oda's Happy Veggies, published in 1988. Crisp cabbages, crunchy carrots, radiant radishes…. Happy Veggies! Vibrant illustrations of vegetables in the garden by...

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  • Together We Are One

    Together We Are One – Calligraphy

    Printed calligraphy from Thich Nhat Hanh

    Calligraphies are a “bell of mindfulness” for the viewer, reminding us to arrive in the here and now, and touch the wonders of life.

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  • Mindfulness - Chinese

    Mindfulness – Chinese Calligraphy

    Printed calligraphy from Thich Nhat Hanh

    Calligraphies are a “bell of mindfulness” for the viewer, reminding us to arrive in the here and now, and touch the wonders of life.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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