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  • Dharma Talk: A New Teaching on the Twelve Nidanas

    photo by Robert Felker Editors’ note: This is Part II of the Dharma talk from November 29, 2012. Part I is available here. We know that there is a dimension of reality called the historical dimension. We live in our time; we live in history. Therefore, in the historical dimension,…

  • Ko Un — or What?

    Ko Un is Korea’s foremost living poet. After immense suffering during the Korean War, he became a Buddhist monk. His first poems were published in 1958, then a few years later he returned to the secular world and became a leading activist. In 2008, he received the Griffin Trust Lifetime…

  • Beginning Anew

    In Plum Village, we practice a ceremony called, "Beginning Anew," which goes all the way back to the Buddha. Families in great difficulties have been saved by this ceremony, and lay and monastic communities have reestablished their harmony, thanks to it. I feel grateful for this simple ceremony every time I see the effect of…

  • Finding Harmony in Beginning Anew

    By Bethany Klug photo by Renee Burgard My husband David and I entered our relationship with a deep intention: that spiritual practice would form its foundation. We met at Sangha and our friendship grew around the trellis of mindfulness practice. When we began entertaining the notion of a long-term committed…

  • Sacred Justice and Mindful Activism

    photo by Ron Forster Blue Cliff Monastery hosted a Sacred Justice Retreat on January 18, 2016. This is an excerpt from the retreat’s Q&A panel on mindful activism—a conversation about the challenges and successes that can come with activism and spiritual practice. Sangha members posed the following themes for the…

  • Aspiring Bodhisattvas

    Reflections on the Order of Interbeing Order of Interbeing Retreat, Blue Cliff Monastery, 2016. Photo by Paul Davis The Order of Interbeing is very dear to me. It has been a source of support, encouragement, and inspiration since I became a member in 1993. I am honored I have been…

  • Dharma Talk: The Path of Awakening

    Often we have the feeling that there is nothing good, beautiful, or true inside us. We feel incomplete, so we wear cosmetics and other adornments, or even undergo cosmetic surgery in order to compensate. When we do these things, we feel we are somehow being deceptive, but we cannot stop.…

  • Intention, Innovation, Insight

    A Day of Mindfulness at Google By Sister Chan Hien Nghiem Google slide, photo courtesy of monastic Sangha The Google campus is an interesting place. Called the “Googleplex” by Silicon Valley, it is a sprawling mass of buildings of unusual shapes and sizes, with earnest-faced, intelligent-looking young people darting between…

  • Sowing Sangha Seeds

    By Judith Toy A Sangha Sprout My husband Philip Toy and I first began inviting folks to sit with us in Black Mountain, North Carolina, in 1999, in a room in our cottage that could barely hold four cushions. Today, eight years later, our sangha’s twenty-by-thirty-foot Dharma hall has been…

  • The Story of Interbeing: Interview with Charles Eisenstein

    May 27, 2014 Charles Eisenstein Charles Eisenstein is an author, public speaker, and self-described “degrowth activist.” He has written six books, including The Ascent of Humanity (2007), Sacred Economics (2011), and The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (2013). In his latest book, he speaks of the old…

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    What is Mindfulness

    Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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