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  • Relationship Dharma

    We need to create environments where people can succeed in the practice. Interpersonal relationships are the key. With the support of even one person, you develop stability, and later you can reach out to others. —Thich Nhat Hanh I sit on the patio across the table from my housemate of…

  • Freedom Is Our Practice

    May 13, 2004 New Hamlet, Plum Village photo by Paul Davis Good morning, dear Sangha. Today is May the thirteenth in the year 2004, and we are in the Loving Kindness Temple in the New Hamlet.  In the Buddhist teaching there is the concept of aimlessness, apranihita, which I translate…

  • Listening Deeply

    By Teri West Over the past year, I have spent more time in my forty-five-year-old son’s company than I had done since his teenage years. I have been staying with him for extended periods to help him and his three sons through difficult times with the break-up of his marriage.…

  • Sangha Building in Hanoi

    I am living in Hanoi. Am I dreaming? How has this happened? The answers can, as always, be found in the teachings. This is because that is. Manifestation occurs when conditions are sufficient. The understanding of the answers, however, is found in life, and mine has definitely taken some unexpected…

  • A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind

    Plum Village Delegation Travels to Buddhist Forum in China In April 2006, four of us, Brother Phap Ân, myself, Sister Giac Nghiem (Soeur Elizabeth) and Sister Tung Nghiem (Sister Pine), had the honor and privilege to travel to China for the First World Buddhist Forum. When we arrived at Hangzhou,…

  • Being the Practice

    From a talk given in the New Hamlet, Plum Village. Dear Mahasangha, good afternoon. Today is the 9th of December in the year 2001. It seems that the object of mind and the subject are not separate. I could think that I am the subject and Plum Village is the object of my…

  • What’s All This Bowing About?

    A friend handed me a note that asked about bowing practice.

  • Sharing the secrets for a Mindful Family Circle

    Author of The Mindful Family Guidebook Renda Dionne Madrigal, PhD I was excited to chat with clinical psychologist and UCLA-certified mindfulness facilitator Renda Dionne Madrigal. Below she shares some of her favorite mindful family activities, her inspiration for writing, and the impact creating a mindful family unit can have on…

  • Awakening and Deepening White Awareness

    The murder of George Floyd and systemic inequalities revealed...

  • Social Work in Vietnam

    A Report from the Delegation, Winter, 2001 A delegation of ten monastics from Plum Village, Green Mountain Dharma Center and Deer Park Monastery visited Vietnam this past spring. During the trip we were fortunate to spend time with both the social workers and the recipients of the Touching and Helping program. There are thirty-two…

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    What is Mindfulness

    Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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