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  • True Wonderful Action

    By Anissa Housley I’m in Estes Park, Colorado. The cavernous meeting hall is filled with people. It’s early morning; everything is dimly lit. Monks and nuns sit onstage and Thay is leading the ceremony for the transmission of the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings. I’m standing, I’m prostrating, I’m kneeling, I’m singing.…

  • Acting and Mindfulness

    an interview with Jeffrey King Interviewed by Barbara Casey Jeff, what led you to become an actor?  When I was a senior in high school I got into a drama class because the physical education class I wanted to be in was closed, In the drama class I started to feel…

  • In the Shape of Your Palm

    By Duncan Liddle The Fifth Remembrance: My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground on which I stand. In my bathroom, there is a rubber plant. It's a very beautiful plant, and it means a lot to me because I grew it…

  • Dharma Talk: The Horse Is Technology

    photo by Fe Langdon November 10, 2013 Plum Village Good morning, dear Sangha. Today is the 10th of November, 2013, and we are in the Still Water Meditation Hall of the Upper Hamlet in Plum Village. The Winter Retreat will start in five days and will last ninety days. The…

  • Healing from Abuse

    Footsteps of Freedom, Love and Peace by Brian Kimmel On the day of his sentencing, my former stepfather said to me in front of the judge, my family and his, “I never did anything to hurt you, and I’m sorry you felt I did. I loved you like a son.”…

  • The Other Shore

    Thích Nhất Hạnh teaches us about interbeing, impermanence, no discrimination, and the end of civilization: "Mother Earth does not discriminate. If you throw perfume or flowers on her, she’s not proud. If you throw urine or excrement on her, she’s not offended. For her, everything is perfect. She knows that without this, the other cannot be. Without the mud, the lotus cannot be. So we can learn a lot from Mother Earth."

  • Mindful Intentional Living

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  • To Be Ready

    Though many of us accompanied Thay and the monastic Sangha to Vietnam, it was not possible to understand all that was happening, right before our eyes. In this section, we get to hear Thay’s own words, fresh from returning, on what were the most notable events during the trip, and…

  • Settling in at St. Michael’s

    By Kim Warren Over 300 people gathered at St. Michael's College in Burlington, Vermont last May for Thay's 21-day retreat on the Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing. Thay, monks, nuns, and lay Dharma teachers led us as we learned about and practiced the exercises in the sutra. Being together at an urban college…

  • Letter from the Editor

    To Our Readers The Invitation ceremony has concluded the three-month winter retreat in Deer Park Monastery. Members of the Fourfold Sangha are sitting on the beach with nowhere to go, nothing to do; enough to make us very happy. During the three months of the retreat, the Fourfold Sangha has…

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    What is Mindfulness

    Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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