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  • Love without Frontiers

    By Thich Nhat Hanh November 25, 2004 Thanksgiving Day Lower Hamlet, Plum Village Good morning, dear Sangha. Today is the 25th of November in the year 2004, and we are in the Lower Hamlet during our Fall Retreat. This morning we spoke about a telephone line that should be called…

  • Dharma Talk: The Practice of Prayer

    What is prayer? To whom should we pray? Does prayer bring results? Thich Nhat Hanh A five-year-old boy who loved playing with his pet mouse was deeply wounded when his mouse tunneled deep into the earth and didn’t come back, but the mouse never returned. Later, when he was a…

  • Continuing after Suicide Loss

    Brother Peace reflects on losing both his parents to depression, and grief as a beautiful path of awakening.

  • Receiving Dharma Rain

    Winter Retreat, Wahat al-Salam, Neve Shalom 2019 photo by Amir Levin I was like a busy ant that had been carrying her grains of wheat. During the retreat in Israel two years ago, I saw the heap of grains I had accumulated. The diligent practice of years seeped through and…

  • Human Relations, Human Rights

    I am more than Vietnamese. I am also a citizen of the world. We must be aware of the "interbeing" of all countries' happiness. Happiness is not an individual matter. The happiness of the United States is crucial for the happiness of others in the world. The happiness of the Vietnamese people is also the…

  • Stupa Dedication

    We arrived at Deer Park on a clear fall Friday morning last October to help the sangha prepare for the ceremony to dedicate Thay Giac Thanh’s stupa. Sunday would be the fifth anniversary of the continuation of the beloved former abbot of Deer Park. The weekend was particularly meaningful and…

  • Letters from the Editors

    Hong-An Hisae Matsuda Dear Thay, dear Sangha, At the beginning of the year, our senior editor Brother Phap Luu and I had a nourishing discussion about how some of our international Sangha friends practiced in the midst of political impermanence. This inspired the editorial team to explore how to practice…

  • Growth in Wake Up Nijmegen

    By Manon Wetzels and Reinier de Nooij Nijmegen Snagha The seed for Wake Up Nijmegen germinated during a retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh in Papendal, the Netherlands, in the spring of 2009. In a gathering of young people at the retreat, there was fertile soil, plenty of Dharma rain, and…

  • Visit to Vietnam

    By Linda Spangler I had wanted to go to Vietnam for a long time. I grew up with the Vietnam War on TV and watched the fighting and the nightly list of American dead. Escaping the draft was a frequent topic of conversation in my high school. I could not understand how anyone could…

  • Hovering with Your Children

    One of my favorite activities is hanging out and watching my children, just watching, not necessarily doing anything for or with them. Often, I sit at the antique wooden table in our kitchen and look out our picture window at their activity. This window frames the life work of my children engaging in play. By sitting and…

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    What is Mindfulness

    Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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