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  • The Art of Transforming Suffering: Part Two

    If you have eyes of signlessness, you can recognize your beloved cloud in her new form–the rain. The following Dharma talk is a continuation of Part One, which appeared in the Summer 2021 issue. No Birth, No Death In the Heart Sutra, it says that nothing is born and nothing…

  • Heart to Heart

    Heart to Heart is a new section of the Mindfulness Bell — for you to express your thoughts and share your practice on a given topic. In this issue we focus on an assignment that Thây gave to the sangha at the Breath of the Buddha retreat in June (see…

  • Book Reviews

    Peaceful Action, Open Heart Lessons from the Lotus Sutra By Thich Nhat Hanh Parallax Press, 2008 Softcover, 287 pages Reviewed by Judith Toy Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that the strength of the Lotus Sutra is its ability to present deep teachings in a clear, easy-to-understand way that applies to…

  • In Bosnia

    By Claude Thomas Vietnam veteran, Claude Thomas, was one of 20 participants in a nonviolent direct action project in Croatia and Bosnia from November 30 through December 20. The Sjeme Mira ("Seeds of Peace") program included daily interfaith prayer services with elements from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim traditions. They distributed leaflets in English and Serbo-Croatian…

  • Tree-being

    By Bill Clark Yesterday I became mindful of you.It happened when I saw youburning for us in the fireplace,giving us everything you had.There would be nothing left but ashes,that would fertilize the earth.You appear as lumber, popsicle sticks, firewood,furniture, toothpicks, and paper.You do these things for us without protest. But…

  • Simplicity, Sisterhood and Freedom

    Interview with Sister Ha Nghiem (Sr. Fern) Why did you become a nun? Sister Ha Nghiem: There are times in life when you touch life really deeply and you touch yourself really deeply. You can see how beautiful life is and there's a deeper connection between everything than you can usually see…

  • Now is The Time for Engaged Buddhist Practice

    By Larry Ward At this very moment, American society is full of anger, fear, confusion, and reactivity. The recent loss of our perceived psychological safety and physical security has removed the veil of material success as our great protector. With this curtain of affluence and influence torn away the depth…

  • Toward a Compassionate Economics

    An Interview with Riane Eisler By John Malkin Riane Eisler Compassion is a deeply valued aspect of Buddhist practice. Caring for others is a natural expression of interbeing. How would our lives be different if compassion were a foundation of politics and economics? Riane Eisler explores the possibilities of a…

  • Clap, Tap, Hum, Breathe

    Mindful Songwriting with Children By Joe Reilly Joe Reilly performs with Library Songsters Program, Ann Arbor District Library, 2013, photo by Mark Clague Where do songs and music come from? I ask this question to the many groups of children with whom I have the privilege of working as a…

  • The Joy of Practice Cannot Be Contained

    By Leslie Rawls and Carl Dunlap, Jr. photo by Nyanayasha Shakya To our respected and beloved teacher, Thay Nhat Hanh, and to the stream of ancestral teachers who have preserved and transmitted the teachings, we offer an ocean of gratitude. From Carl December 5, 1988 was the coldest, darkest day…

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    What is Mindfulness

    Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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