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  • Race: A Dharma Door

    ARISE Sangha offers the Race: A Dharma Door (RADD) training. Love in action interwoven with interbeing, the program used the Four Noble Truths as the framework to invite us into a discussion of race as a Dharma door for greater understanding and less suffering.

  • Unconditional Acceptance

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  • Dharma Talk: Finding Our True Home

    March 28, 2004 – Colors of Compassion Retreat On March 28th, at the end of the three-month winter retreat, Thich Nhat Hanh and the Sangha offered a three-day retreat called Colors of Compassion, for people of color. Three hundred retreatants gathered to practice mindfulness, listen to teachings, and share with…

  • My Retreat

    By Anneke Brinkerink Three days before the retreat with Thay in Amsterdam last October, I went to the mailbox on my bicycle for the last mailing of retreat information. On the ride home, a driver did not notice me on my bicycle, and there was an accident. My head hit his windshield. I woke…

  • The Light at the Tip of the Candle

    I was deeply touched recently by a book called At Hell’s Gate: A Soldier’s Journey from War to Peace. The author, Claude Anshin Thomas, describes in detail the suffering he has experienced as a Vietnam veteran [see below]. The description of his suffering made me look more deeply into the…

  • Heart to Heart

    In each issue of the Mindfulness Bell readers take on a different topic, writing in short essays about their personal experience and their practice. The Fourth Mindfulness Training Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others, I am committed to cultivating loving speech…

  • Fierce Compassion

    By Cheri Maples Cheri Maples received the Lamp Transmission from Thich Nhat Hanh and became a Dharma teacher on January 9, 2008 at Plum Village. Here is part of the Dharma talk she gave to the Sangha that day. Since I was very young, I have had a passion for…

  • Busynessless

    Brother Phap Dung's Dharma talk about the practice of not being busy to young adults

  • Coincidences, Histories, and the Monastic Life in the EIAB Waldbröl

    By Axel Denecke photos courtesy of the EIAB Through mere coincidence I came across the history of Waldbröl and the former Kraft durch Freude (KdF) Hotel, which is now the EIAB (European Institute of Applied Buddhism). In search of material about the period of National Socialism in the university library, I came across a…

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    What is Mindfulness

    Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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