The Mindfulness Bell: The Monastic Path, Issue 95, 2025

A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thích Nhất Hạnh

This issue is included in our subscriptions and features:

  • gāthās for the practice of mindful living from Thích Nhất Hạnh
  • Sister Chân Trì Nghiêm explains how Plum Village practice centers provide much-needed refuge and hope in today’s troubled times
  • Brother Pháp Dung teaches us to cultivate our good seeds, community, and freedom
  • Sister Kính Nghim shares about recognizing and embracing suffering in yourself and your family
  • sharings from monastics with Wake Up, the Earth Holder Community, and the Thích Nhất Hạnh Foundation
  • poetry of transformation from Sister Đẳng Nghiêm
  • and more...






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A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thích Nhất Hạnh.

In this issue monastics answer: What are their deep aspirations? How are they practicing as a part of Thầy’s continuation body? How can they tend the garden of the monastic wing of the Beloved Community, so that future generations will have a solid and reliable place to go to for refuge, when the going gets rough?

  • gāthās for the practice of mindful living from Thích Nhất Hạnh
  • Sister Chân Trì Nghiêm explains how Plum Village practice centers provide much-needed refuge and hope in today’s troubled times
  • Brother Pháp Dung teaches us to cultivate our good seeds, community, and freedom
  • Sister Kính Nghim shares about recognizing and embracing suffering in yourself and your family
  • monks share the monastic path to personal and global healing
  • sharings from monastics with Wake Up, the Earth Holder Community, and Thích Nhất Hạnh Foundation
  • a letter on living and working together from Thích Nhất Hạnh
  • poetry of transformation from Sister Đẳng Nghiêm

Issue 95 is included in our subscriptions.

To subscribe to upcoming issues and access current plus over thirty-five years of articles, practice resources, Sangha directory, and more visit

Orders and payments are processed by Parallax Press, the publishing house of the Plum Village community.

Additional information

Additional information

Weight 0.50 lbs
Dimensions 10.750 × 7.500 × 0.250 in

PDF, Paperback

ISBN 9780984627196
ISBN 9781952692963

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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