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Tears Become Rain

Stories of Transformation and Healing Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh

32 mindfulness practitioners around the world reflect on encountering the extraordinary teachings of Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh, who passed away in January 2022, exploring themes of coming home to... Read More






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32 mindfulness practitioners around the world reflect on encountering the extraordinary teachings of Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh, who passed away in January 2022, exploring themes of coming home to ourselves, healing from grief and loss, facing fear, and building community and belonging.

Some moments change our lives. We experience wonder and relief when we realize we can be okay, just as we are. How do we then integrate these transformative moments into our daily life?

Tears Become Rain is a collection of such stories, with one common inspiration: the teachings of mindfulness and compassion offered by the most influential meditation teacher of the past century, the Buddhist monk and peace activist Thích Nhất Hạnh, who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The stories encapsulate the benefits of mindfulness practice through the experiences of ordinary people from 16 countries around the world. Some of the contributors were direct students of Thích Nhất Hạnh for decades and are meditation teachers in their own right, while others are relatively new on the path.

After her mother’s death, Canadian author Vickie MacArthur writes poignantly of discovering a source of peace within herself at Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Plum Village monastery in France. Jamaican American English professor Camille Goodison uncovers the racism of academia and finds freedom from her toxic workplace by practicing the teachings of love and liberation as taught to her by Thích Nhất Hạnh.

Vietnamese doctor Huy Minh Tran shares how mindfulness helped him transform his traumatic past as a refugee so that he no longer suffers from nightmares. Norwegian Eevi Beck meditates on the teacher-student relationship and how Thích Nhất Hạnh supported her marriage and then loss of her husband.

For many, battling sickness, old age, and death—the death of loved ones and one’s own—brings up overwhelming emotions of grief, anger, and despair. Tears Become Rain shows again and again how, with the wisdom of Zen practice, people are able to find refuge from the storm in their lives and open their hearts to joy.

A mosaic of stories, Tears Become Rain is both a celebration of Thích Nhất Hạnh and a testament to his lasting impact on the lives of people from many walks of life.

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Paperback, eBook



ISBN 9781952692628
ISBN 9781952692635

What others are saying

"These intimate encounters with the wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh will move you to joy and tears, sometimes all at once! Though this master teacher has passed on, his spirit continues through the living dharma in this beautiful book."

Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance and Trusting the Gold

"In this collection of ‘aha’ moments brought about by the practice of mindfulness, I found pieces of my own life and experience in nearly every story. These stories awakened memories of my own moments of true awareness and helped me see my life through fresh lenses."

Annie Mahon, author of Things I Did When I Was Hangry and founder of the Circle Yoga Cooperative

"Tears Become Rain is a remarkable testament to the transformative power of suffering. These authentic, courageous, and beautifully told stories demonstrate the powerful learning we experience when we face and feel the depth of our pain, when we extend compassion to ourselves and one another."

Bryan K. Garman, PhD, Head of School, Sidwell Friends School, Washington DC
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About Jeanine Cogan

Jeanine Cogan, PhD, is a mindfulness meditation teacher and executive consultant. As a student of Thich Nhat Hanh since 1996, she is committed to introducing mindfulness and meditation to others and is known among her students as warm, light hearted, and grounded. Jeanine is also trained as a social psychologist,... Read More

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About Mary Hillebrand

Mary Hillebrand has studied and practiced in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh since 2001, participating in sanghas in Washington, DC, and Madison, Wisconsin. Formerly a magazine editor and writer, Mary is now a teacher and enjoys teaching mindfulness to her high school and adult students and sharing... Read More

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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