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The Idealist’s Survival Kit

75 Simple Ways to Avoid Burnout

The Idealist's Survival Kit is a series of 75 short reflections on mindfulness in action designed to support humanitarian professionals and volunteers in addressing the specific themes and issues that they are likely... Read More






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The Idealist’s Survival Kit is a series of 75 short reflections on mindfulness in action designed to support humanitarian professionals and volunteers in addressing the specific themes and issues that they are likely to encounter in their work. The Idealist’s Survival Kit is built on the premises that changing the world starts from within and that personal development and global development are interlinked.

Informed by academic research on humanitarian studies and aid workers’ lifestyle, as well as organizational psychology and studies on burnout, Alessandra Pigni offers concrete help to aid workers. She shares their personal stories of working on the frontlines, gathered over years of interaction with humanitarian professionals and backed up by cutting–edge research, to offer antidotes to burnout, loss of motivation or purpose/meaning, and other challenges that aid workers often face.

Getting to know ourselves, setting appropriate boundaries, extending respect to oneself and colleagues—these are the conditions that allow all of us to engage with any situation with more awareness, openness, and compassion for ourselves and others. The reflections focus on aid workers’ well–being and connect personal and global development.

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Paperback, eBook



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5.2" x 8"

ISBN 9781941529348
ISBN 9781941529355

What others are saying

Apparently, this is a book for idealists on the brink of burnout. I don’t buy it. Rather, this book is for everyone, from high-powered businesspeople to innovators to humanitarians, who desperately need the tools to care for themselves as they seek solutions to the world’s challenges. With bracing honesty and piercing clarity, Alessandra Pigni shows us not only why, but also how, to practice self-empathy for the sake of efficacy. And the chapters are short: perfect for the frantic, fevered do-gooder. Do yourself some good and slow down just enough to savor Alessandra’s hard-won wisdom.

Irshad Manji, founder, Moral Courage Project, The Trouble with Islam Today

The Idealist’s Survival Kit is essential reading for anyone in or interested in the humanitarian sector. Alessandra Pigni deftly cuts through the humanitarian tradition of suffering in silence, as well as the more recent fad of spilling all onto social media. Humanitarian aid is intensely grueling work; The Idealist’s Survival Kit brings sound, well-researched advice for those to whom dealing day in and out with the dangers here, whether those be contextual, organizational, or institutional, is more than something to fill a gap year.

J., aid worker, Letters Left Unsent

It’s hard to put ourselves first in international aid and philanthropy and other helping professions. Yet if our goal is lasting social transformation, we need organizations and movements driven by strong, imaginative, and effective individuals who can stay in this work for the long-haul. The Idealist’s Survival Kit provides the revelation that makes self-care not just a luxury, but an indispensable spiritual practice. Alessandra Pigni writes as your best friend, your therapist, and your own inner voice, offering guidance and encouragement to remember at once how small, and how powerful, we truly are.

Jennifer Lentfer, creator of
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About Alessandra Pigni

Alessandra Pigni (1974-2018) was a psychologist and organizational consultant who supported individuals working in the humanitarian and development sector. As a psychologist with Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) she worked extensively in the Middle East and in China. She had been based in Jerusalem providing mindfulness-based staff... Read More

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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