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Healing Our Way Home

Black Buddhist Teachings on Ancestors, Joy, and Liberation

Real talk on living joyfully and coming home to ourselves—with reflective self-care practices to help us on our interconnected journeys of liberation






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“This powerful trinity of Black authors invites us into the living room of their hearts, affirming who we are with earthy straight talk, textured diversity, and wise tenderness.”—Ruth King

Real talk on living joyfully and coming home to ourselves—with reflective self-care practices to help us on our interconnected journeys of liberation

In Healing Our Way Home, join three friends, three Black women, all teachers in the Plum Village tradition founded by Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh, in intimate conversation, touching on the pain and beauty of their families of origin, relationships and loneliness, intimacy and sexuality, politics, popular culture, race, self-care and healing.

No subject is out of bounds in this free-flowing, wide-ranging offering of mindful wisdom to nourish our sense of belonging and connection with ancestors.

Authors Valerie Brown, Marisela B. Gomez, MD, and Kaira Jewel Lingo share how the Dharma’s timeless teachings support their work for social and racial equity and justice in their work and personal lives.

Healing Our Way Home offers insights in embodied mindfulness practice to support us in healing white supremacy, internalized racial oppression, and social and cultural conditioning, leading to a firm sense of belonging and abiding joy.

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Paperback, eBook

ISBN 9781952692642
ISBN 9781952692659

What others are saying

"Generous and restorative, this powerful trinity of Black authors invites us into the living room of their hearts, affirming who we are with earthy straight talk, textured diversity, and wise tenderness. Healing Our Way Home takes us back and moves us forward in joy, unity, and reverence. Read if you want both comfort and truth."

Ruth King, author of Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out

"As a White-bodied person, I am enlarged by Healing Our Way Home—reading it has brought smiles and tears, understanding and inspiration. These wise teachings guide us to reconnect with our spiritual roots and bring a courageous presence into our contemporary world. The book itself is an activity of love, like an intimate warm conversation at the kitchen table."

Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance

"In a world that too often leads with the mind, Healing Our Way Home is a true gift from the heart. It transmits the ancient wisdom of the dharma through story and narrative, painting a beautiful picture of what wisdom looks and feels like. I found myself constantly smiling as I moved through these pages. The paths that the three authors took in their lives is a gift to the dharma as much as the dharma has been a gift to them."

Kazu Haga, author of Healing Resistance and Fierce Vulnerability
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About Marisela B. Gomez MD

Marisela B. Gomez, MD, True Manifestation of Reverence, is a co-founder of Village of Love and Resistance in Baltimore Maryland, organizing for power, healing and the reclamation of land. She is a meditation and Buddhist teacher, physician scientist, and holistic health practitioner. She lives in the lands previously stewarded by... Read More

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About Kaira Jewel Lingo

Kaira Jewel Lingo teaches Buddhist meditation, mindfulness, and compassion internationally, with a focus on activists, people of color, artists, educators, families, and youth. She began practicing mindfulness in 1997. An ordained nun of 15 years in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing, she is now a lay Dharma teacher based... Read More

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About Valerie Brown

Valerie Brown, True Sangha Power (pronouns she/her), is a Dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition, ordained in 2018, and a member of Religious Society of Friends. She transformed her twenty-year, high-pressure career as a lawyer-lobbyist into human-scale, social-equity-centered work, guiding leaders and organizations to foster greater understanding, authenticity, compassion,... Read More

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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