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  • Drinking Tea

    By Savitri Tsering There are times in my day that my actions are like ritual moments that help me remember to come back to the present moment. Some of those critical times are when I ride my bike to and from work, when I go for a walk at lunchtime and,…

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  • The Six Concords

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  • Ask the Dharmacarya: How do you practice in your Workplace?

    Chan Huy - Montreal, Canada I am back to work after a two-year sabbatical. I am an engineer, a construction project manager for a federal department in Canada. I work with a team of consultants, architects, engineers, contractors and in-house resources specialists. This team changes with each new cycle of the work project. I…

  • Taking Care of Our Suffering

    Thich Nhat Hanh welcomed at the temple in Danang, Vietnam in 2007; photo by Cilla Brady Retreat on Buddhist Psychology  Key West, Florida  November 8, 1997 Dear friends,  At a past winter retreat in Plum Village, everyone was given an assignment to write a love letter to their father. A…

  • Dharma Talk: Liberation from Suffering

    Questions and Answers with Thich Nhat Hanh Each Saturday afternoon during the September 1996 "Heart of the Buddha" retreat at Plum Village in southwestern France, the entire community gathered in the New Hamlet for a question-and-answer session with Thich Nhat Hanh. Thay responded to written questions that had been left…

  • Walking in Nirvana

    By Thich Nhat Hanh New Hamlet, Plum Village January 27, 2013 photo by Paul Davis Dear Sangha, today is the 27th of January, 2013. We are in the Full Moon Meditation Hall in the New Hamlet of Plum Village during our Winter Retreat. During this retreat, we have practiced not…

  • The Better Way to Live Alone in the Jungle

    By Terry Masters The Buddha taught: “…I want to tell you that there is a wonderful way to be alone. It is the way of deep observation to see that the past no longer exists and the future has not yet come, and to dwell at ease in the present…

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    What is Mindfulness

    Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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