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  • Sacred Justice and Mindful Activism

    photo by Ron Forster Blue Cliff Monastery hosted a Sacred Justice Retreat on January 18, 2016. This is an excerpt from the retreat’s Q&A panel on mindful activism—a conversation about the challenges and successes that can come with activism and spiritual practice. Sangha members posed the following themes for the…

  • Family Sangha – A Place to Be

    By Noah, Hannah, and Claudia  We felt magic in the air and a deep sense of peace after our last Family Sangha meeting. Something special grew through our day together. We love having toddlers and babies stay in the room as the adults meditate and share together, while the children…

  • Sowing Sangha Seeds

    By Judith Toy A Sangha Sprout My husband Philip Toy and I first began inviting folks to sit with us in Black Mountain, North Carolina, in 1999, in a room in our cottage that could barely hold four cushions. Today, eight years later, our sangha’s twenty-by-thirty-foot Dharma hall has been…

  • Aspiring Bodhisattvas

    Reflections on the Order of Interbeing Order of Interbeing Retreat, Blue Cliff Monastery, 2016. Photo by Paul Davis The Order of Interbeing is very dear to me. It has been a source of support, encouragement, and inspiration since I became a member in 1993. I am honored I have been…

  • Dharma Talk: Silence

    A Dharma talk given by Sister Jina on September 1, 2002 in the Upper Hamlet in Plum Village I have been aware of silence this week. I would like to share with you a little bit how I practice with noble silence in my daily life. I first came to…

  • Oceans of Vows

    Interview with Alex Cline  photo by Ernestine Lona On the occasion of the release of Oceans of Vows (1), Karen Hilsberg sat down to talk to Alex Cline, an Order of Interbeing member, a professional jazz musician, and a composer. Oceans of Vows was initially composed and performed live as…

  • Dharma Talk: A New Teaching on the Twelve Nidanas

    photo by Robert Felker Editors’ note: This is Part II of the Dharma talk from November 29, 2012. Part I is available here. We know that there is a dimension of reality called the historical dimension. We live in our time; we live in history. Therefore, in the historical dimension,…

  • Bridging Communication Barriers

    By Sister Tam Muoi Gardening; illustration by Youheum Son Practicing the Eighth of the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings, True Community and Communication, is like peeling an onion. We peel away layer after layer, and there’s always another layer to discover! If I have a difficulty with someone, it feels uncomfortable. It’s…

  • Beginning Anew

    In Plum Village, we practice a ceremony called, "Beginning Anew," which goes all the way back to the Buddha. Families in great difficulties have been saved by this ceremony, and lay and monastic communities have reestablished their harmony, thanks to it. I feel grateful for this simple ceremony every time I see the effect of…

  • Walking in Nirvana

    By Thich Nhat Hanh New Hamlet, Plum Village January 27, 2013 photo by Paul Davis Dear Sangha, today is the 27th of January, 2013. We are in the Full Moon Meditation Hall in the New Hamlet of Plum Village during our Winter Retreat. During this retreat, we have practiced not…

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    What is Mindfulness

    Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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