“I aspire to practice to love Mother Earth, Father Sun, and for human beings to love one another with the radiant insight of nonduality and interbeing in order to help us transcend all kinds of discrimination, fear, jealousy, resentment, hatred, and despair.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, Love Letter to the Earth
This Freedom
By Richard Brady on
Dharma teacher Richard Brady reflects on how Lamp Transmission supported his healing and growth in freedom to share mindfulness with others in person and in his writing.
Roses and Garbage
By Thich Nhat Hanh on
Thích Nhất Hạnh offers a deep teaching on the futility of hate and discrimination, and on the insight of interbeing and nonduality as the way to liberation and non-fear.
Loving Kindness Meditation
By Thich Nhat Hanh on
Thầy offers this rare guided mettā meditation.
Other articles in this issue
Two Poems
By Leslie J. Davis
Leslie J. Davis offers “After a Rain: For Thầy” (written while on retreat at Plum Village, France) and “Yield” (written while on retreat at Deer Park Monastery).
Poems: Presence, Hands, 4am
By Nadia Colburn
Hands (after a teaching by Thích Nhất Hạnh) You who open for me each day, who close upon a pen, a hairbrush, a plum, a rock that I lift from the shore and throw into the lake,
In the hallway of my heart
By Rose Lucas
a lamp is swaying a smalland gentle glowing deep inside a filigreeof shadows –who lit the lamp?how long has it been burning? –perfumed night air eddies roundcicadas call relentless anda…
Articles published online weekly.
A curated collection of these articles is available in a print and PDF issue here.