Every one of us can do something to protect and care for our planet. We have to live in such a way that a future will be possible for our children and our grandchildren. Our own life has to be our message.
Thích Nhất Hạnh
A curated collection of these articles is available in a print or PDF issue
A Love Letter to the Planet
By Thich Nhat Hanh on
Thích Nhất Hạnh shares intimate conversations with Mother Earth.
Answering the Call of the Heart
By Jem (Chân Pháp Hộ) on
Now a lay Dharma teacher, Jem offers insights from his deep Earth-holding practice, surviving stage four cancer, and disrobing after eighteen years as a monk.
A Peace Treaty with the Earth
By Brother Pháp Lưu on
A new series of earth-touching meditations
Other articles in this issue
No Wrong Way
By Stephen Pradarelli
Pay attention to the interruptions, the wrong turns, the plans gone awry. Bow to the rude waiter, the overdue bill, All of the ways this world disappoints you. This is…
Fueled by Generosity
Your dāna is a key power source for a new global online course and also helps ensure that monastics’ critical needs are met.