True Transmission
By Thich Nhat Hanh in June 2019
Thich Nhat Hanh; photo courtesy of monastic Sangha Deer Park Monastery August 22, 2001 You have to organize your daily life so that it will express the Fourth Noble Truth: showing the path, teaching the living Dharma with your own…
Letter from the Editors
By Natascha Bruckner, Leslie Rawls, Mitchell Ratner in June 2019
photo courtesy of monastic Sangha Dear Thay, dear community, When I first met Thay (Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh) in 1990, I was immediately captivated by the presence, ease, and joy that seemed to radiate from him, whether he was giving…
Published in June 2019
photo courtesy of monastic Sangha October 25, 2018 Dear Community, Just a short letter to let you know I have received a second Mindfulness Bell magazine this week. I am greatly appreciative of your generosity; I read the magazine cover…
Other articles in this issue
The Fourth Mindfulness Training: Awareness of Suffering
Aware that looking deeply at the nature of suffering can help us develop understanding and compassion, we are determined to come home to ourselves, to recognize, accept, embrace and listen…
The Seventh Mindfulness Training: Dwelling Happily in the Present Moment
Aware that life is available only in the present moment, we are committed to training ourselves to live deeply each moment of daily life. We will try not to lose…
How Silence Nourishes Our Love
By Joann M. Joann and her husband at the beach; photo by Brian Drapeaux Aware of my suffering from sexual violence and clumsy attempts at love, I celebrate with great…