Climate Change as a Door of Awakening
Published in June 2016
By Beverly Alexander and Jerome Freedman “We are so much in love with our beloved Earth, we can’t even express it. We are so much in pain with what is happening, we can’t even express it.”– John Bell We tend…
Published in June 2016
By Duncan Berry soundlesslymy hand guidesthe wooden strikerthrough the darktowards the hiddenbowl of the bell waves of soundpulse outwardswashing over mysilent formanchoredto the groundby theinandoutof my breath surging againstthe four wallsaround metheir liquid reverberationdecayingslowlyslowlyback into silence just beyond the windowa…
When Giants Meet
By Peggy Rowe-Ward, Sister Peace in June 2016
Dedication of the Beloved Community Garden at Magnolia Grove Monastery Beloved Community Garden, Magnolia Grove Monastery. Photo by Paul Davis “If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants.” —…