Dharma Talk – Bat Nha: A Koan
By Thich Nhat Hanh in June 2010
photo courtesy of the monastic Sangha Do not just look for what you want to see, that would be futile. Do not look for anything, but allow the insight to have a chance to come by itself. That insight will…
Letter from the Editor
Published in June 2010
Dear Thay, dear Sangha, When I was young I wanted to be a teacher. I held summer classes for the neighborhood kids, complete with handouts, recess, and homework (and they tolerated it!). Later I set aside that dream, believing I…
Published in June 2010
Dear Editor, I know the suffering of bipolar illness and suicide, so reading Janice Rubin’s story (Winter/Spring 2010) touched deep chords in me. Having lost my father to suicide when he was 46, and I was 15, the pull to…
Other articles in this issue
No Enemy, No Duality
Thay's Celebrating Hanoi's Anniversary By Susan O’Leary Within weeks of the final official dispersion of the Bat Nha monastics, Thay presented us with two powerful teachings: Bat Nha: A Koan…
Mindfulness Bell Survey
By James Schaan and Natascha Bruckner As a key step in our efforts to transform the Mindfulness Bell, we conducted the first-ever MB reader survey. Our purpose was to discover…