Sangha Dot Com
Published in June 2009
A twenty-first century phenomenon is the “virtual community”—a gathering of people who share a common interest and develop personal relationships, without ever meeting face to face—thanks to the Internet. For practitioners who don’t have easy access to a live Sangha,…
Mentoring and the Aspirant Process
Published in June 2009
By Joanne Friday When someone approaches me with an interest in becoming an aspirant for the Order of Interbeing, I give them twelve Questions for Reflection [see below] to help them look deeply at their motivation and to decide whether…
Shining the Light
By Thich Nhat Hanh in June 2009
It’s very precious to have someone show us how our practice is going. When a friend shines light on our practice we benefit greatly, because we have many wrong perceptions that can keep us in a prison of self-pride. That…
Other articles in this issue
Letter from the Editor
By Jane Ellen Combelic
Dear Thay, dear Sangha, In conjunction with Thich Nhat Hanh’s 2009 U.S tour, we are delighted to publish this special issue on Sangha building—the first time in many years that we’ve…
A Noble Silence Manifesto
By Philip Toy It is not feasible, I know, but I have always wished that we could hold our talk until we have left the zendo. When we drive up…