Dharma Talk: The Way to Well-Being
By Sister Annabel Laity in June 2008
At the retreat at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado, Sister Annabel offered this Dharma talk on August 24, 2007. In her soft British-accented voice, Sister Annabel gave a brilliant elucidation of the Four Noble Truths and…
Solidarity with the Monks of Burma
By Jane Ellen Combelic in June 2008
On October 5, nearly 2000 Buddhists and psychologists gathered for a conference on Eastern and Western psychology sponsored by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Out of solidarity with the monks, nuns and people of Burma, Thich Nhat Hanh…
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh Talks About Tibet
Published in June 2008
When the Plum Village delegation led by Thich Nhat Hanh landed in Rome for fourteen days of public talks, retreats, and other events, the demonstration by 600 Tibetan monks on the occasion of the forty-ninth year of the movement to…
Other articles in this issue
Letter from the Editor
By Judith Toy
Dear Thay, dear Sangha, It is impossible for me to read this issue without thinking of our recently deceased son, Jesse Toy. Everything I see and do is through the…
By Sister Annabel Laity
Thank You, Thay Dear Thay, I just finished a weekend retreat with Dharma Teacher Larry Ward. The insight and mindfulness I learned was very helpful to my practice and essential…
My Responsibility for the War in Iraq
By Bruce Campbell What Sacrifices? But I haven’t really done anything about it. My lifestyle has not changed one bit since the war started. I have not had to make…