Dharma Talk: A Peaceful Heart
By Thich Nhat Hanh in March 1991
Just before the land offensive in the Gulf, the Soviet Union proposed a six-point peace plan to end the war. The first point was that Iraq consent to withdraw all its troops from Kuwait within twenty-one days. But President Bush…
From the Editors
Published in March 1991
Thank you, readers, for your patience as we offer this issue of The Mindfulness Bell a little later than it was scheduled to appear. Your editors have been traveling in Texas and Southern California helping organize the retreats and lectures…
Buddhist Nonviolence
Published in March 1991
By Paula Green The Buddha was once asked by a disciple, "Would it be true to say that a part of our training is for the development of love and compassion?" The Buddha replied, "No, it would not be true…
Other articles in this issue
Leashing the Dogs of War
By Gary Gill The Buddha said there is a still point within each of us about which the endless cycle of pain and suffering revolves but does not penetrate. A…
Thoughts on the War
By Millie Grenough I lock my doors, buckle up, and turn on my radio to catch the news. It's 6 p.m. and I'm driving home from work in the inner-city…
Poem by Svein Myreng
I'm so grateful to have friends:a lotus budtwo clear eyes a smilea comradely arm around my shouldera vibrant breathing hugtears together. I'm so grateful to be alone:crickets in the darkening…
By Ellen Goldstein Before the war broke out, I watched Saddam with disgust, terror, interest, even with amusement. I listened to his war cries and his claims, and heard the…
Children and War
By Deborah Huntley When we talk with young children about the war and the state of the world, we need to pause, breathe, and consider our own state of mind.…
Supporting the Troops
By Patrick McMahon Recently I was startled to find on the door of the classroom down the hall from me a poster of the American flag, with the slogan, "We…
Wise Parenting
By Fred Bender On two beautiful afternoons during the April Santa Barbara Retreat for Young People and Families, some fifteen adults held an informal discussion on the topic, "Spiritual Practices…
New Mindfulness Verse
By Thich Nhat Hanh
During the Spring Lectures and Retreats, Thich Nhat Hahn has been suggesting we use this gatha: In-OutBreathing in, I know that I am breathing in.Breathing out, I know that I…
Simply Being Present
I use the exercises in The Miracle of Mindfulness daily and have recently begun to use the gathas in Present Moment, Wonderful Moment. Reading these books has had some interesting…
Beginning Mindfulness Practice
In 1988 I was in the midst of a difficult period of my life and needing all the help I could get. A newspaper book review directed me to Being…
Commuter Gathas
Morning Rush HourAlthough the sun is rising high in the sky, and cars and buses rush toward work everywhere. I am not anxious about events of the day. My real…
Gathering Strength
I finally found a way to do walking meditation in the center of my town. It's a secret plot. It's happening, and no one knows that's what we're doing. We…