Dharma Talk: The Power of Visualization
By Thich Nhat Hanh in February 2005
From talks given June 11 and June 14, 2004, at The Feet of the Buddha Retreat, Plum Village Thich Nhat Hanh In June, 2004, Thich Nhat Hanh offered teachings on the nature of consciousness at The Feet of the Buddha…
Letter from the Editor
Published in February 2005
To Our Readers It is a rich blessing to be sitting here, receiving treasures of the practice from all over the world to share with you in the Mindfulness Bell. During the months of developing the material for an issue,…
Poem: Bowing
Published in February 2005
How wonderful,The honor and privilegeTo bowTo your teacher,Loved one, friend,Even a strangerOr an enemy.To the Buddha-to-beWithin each one.With palms together,As if holding a flowerThat is bending toward them,As you look into their eyesTo their soulTo become one. Bill Menza
Other articles in this issue
From Sicily with Love
Finding My Family By Name withheld by request “In Gratitude, I bow to all generations of ancestors in my blood family. I see my father and mother, whose blood, flesh,…
Nothing is Lost
A Response to the Recent U.S. Election from Thich Nhat Hanh November 7th, 2004 For those of you who voted for John Kerry, we must look deeply to see the…
Poem: Buddha in me
Sometimes I see the Buddha in mea phrase, a touch, something I see It touches my heart And awakens in me A memory of how to be free A memory…
Towards a Mindful Politics
For the past year, citizens of the United States and people throughout the world have been deeply involved in and affected by the Presidential election. How do we “take a…