Dharma Talk: Brotherhood = Reunification
By Thich Nhat Hanh in June 2003
Thich Nhat Hanh was invited to address the audience of a monthly Peace Forum on March 19th, 2003 held for leaders and representatives of various religious communities in South Korea on the topic of “Spiritual Reflections on War and Peace.”…
Letter from (one of) the Editors
Published in June 2003
Dear Brothers and Sisters on the path, in this moment my heart is clear,not because i have attained much understanding,not because i am able to love all without discrimination.my heart is clear because i have a path to go. a…
Singing a Dharma Talk, Writing a Song
Published in June 2003
By Joseph Emet On June 8, 2002 during the Hand of the Buddha retreat, Thich Nhat Hanh shared an experience of music: “When the Sangha comes together, the silence, the deep mindful breathing, is music. We enjoy that music very…
Other articles in this issue
Poem: The flower
By Kaira Jewel Lingo
bloomingopening with joyto the caressing light of the sun My petals extendonebyonedelighting in the warmth,the fragrance,and beauty of being alive Deep within a sweet nectaris gurgling rising slowly Oh! I…
A Celebration of Peace
By Mike McGuire Speech given at a peace rally in Veterans’ Park, Medford, Oregon in February, 2003 My name is Mike McGuire, and I am a veteran. Nearly thirty-five years…
Poem: Day Lily
For my Mom and her flower garden In summer, the day lily opens its lavish orange petals for the sunand withdraws at night, enfolding itself in a sacred and secret…
Walking in Nature
Brother Phap Son The earth never tires, The earth is rude, silent, and incomprehensible at first, Nature is rude and incomprehensible at first, Be not discouraged, keep on, there are…
Walking for Peace Globally
By Lyn Fine Walking Meditation Take my hand.We will walk.We will only walk.We will walk for ourselves.We will walk for everyone.Always hand in hand.We will enjoy our walk.Without thinking of…
A Winter Peacewalk
By Judith Toy It is the third Sunday in December. As usual, wearing white, I am the first person to arrive at an empty Pack Square in the city of…
Children’s Compassion
Practiced by Linden, a four year old A story retold by Mai Nguyen I heard this story from Sr. Thoai Nghiem after she returned from leading a retreat in Devon,…
Book Review
By Barbara Casey I Have Arrived, I Am Home: Celebrating Twenty Years of Plum Village LifeBy Thich Nhat Hanh and the Global Plum Village Family, Parallax Press, 2003, 256 pages The…