Dharma Talk: Armfuls of Poetry, Drops of Sunshine
By Thich Nhat Hanh in March 2003
A Dharma Talk on Poetry and InterbeingOffered to Social Workers from Vietnam Visiting Plum Village in May, 2002 Sunshine rides on space and poetry on sunshine.Poetry gives birth to sunshine, and sunshine to poetry. Every time we use the expression armful it…
Poem: A Prayer for Peace
Published in March 2003
In beauty, sitting on a lotus flower,is Lord Buddha, quiet and solid.Your humble disciple,calm and pure of heart,forms a lotus flower with his hands,faces you with deep respect,and offers this heartfelt prayer: Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions.Because…
Letters From The Editors
Published in March 2003
This past winter we have been standing on the brink of war. All of us have, in one way or many ways, practiced mindfulness to help the USA not to fall into that abyss of immeasurable and unnecessary suffering and…
Other articles in this issue
The Golden Well of Compassion
By Light River of the Heart I met the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha; I lived with them for five days. It was heaven on earth; powerful transformation, golden…
Healing The Inner Child
By Ian Prattis We prefer not to remember the sufferings of child hood, so we bury them and hide from looking deeply into their causes. Yet we have to find…
Education for the Present
Transforming a University Class with Mindfulness By Jana Brooks, Michelle Leduc, Angeline Timmerman We, the students of Honors course 407, Exploring the Art of Mindful Living, included a football player, biologists, a newlywed,…
The School of Interbeing
Twenty-first Century Life Skills By Hanneli Francis Interbeing has emerged as a new philosophy of creating social change and healing in our personal and global consciousness. We need to realize…
Elementary School Bodhisattvas
By Clay McLeod There is a movement in education today called “global education.” It originated in the peace education movement, but it has now grown to encompass teaching students about social…
In Memoriam
Don Uber September 3, 1939 – November 4, 2002 Don first came to the Potluck Sangha four years ago, and soon this shy, sweet man rarely missed a chance to…