Dharma Talk: Transforming Negative Habit Energies
By Thich Nhat Hanh in June 2000
I would like to speak a little bit about Heaven, or Paradise, and Hell. I have been in Paradise and I have also been in Hell. I think if you remember well, you know that you too have been in…
From the Editor
Published in June 2000
Spring came early to North Carolina this year. Warmth and light transformed the winter world into carpets of violets and flurries of apple and cherry blossoms. In this issue of The Mindfulness Bell, writers share how the warmth and light of practice transformed difficulties and…
Surrender and a Lotus
Published in June 2000
By Ian Prattis After Thay's "Heart of the Buddha" retreat in the fall of 1996 at Plum Village, I went to India to teach and train in Siddha Samadhi Yoga, a system of meditation for adults and children. Committed to global religious harmony, program…
Other articles in this issue
Poem: Renouveau
Renouveauen lambeaux dechiquetesI'ecorce brune,vieille et seche des eucalyptustraine par terrea la base des troncsqui I'a arrachee a pleines mainssures d'elles?les troncs se dressent nus,neufs, jeunes, la peau pale,a peine verte,couleur…
Peace Is in Our Hands
What if the Year 2000 was a new beginning, an opportunity to turn the culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and nonviolence? The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed…
Cultivating Mindfulness on a Radioactive Path
By Michael Winnell For years, I have worked to slow, if not end, the long-term threat of radioactive waste products created by nuclear weapons and power plants. Radioactive waste is likely to threaten…
The Path: To Sink or Swim
By Lily Pond At our Sangha meeting one Tuesday night, the Dharma teacher spoke of loving kindness. I nodded and nodded as she spoke. I had spent years reaching the same conclusions: that…
Poem: Driving My Car
As I drive,I feel both my impatienceand my fear in my right foot.I vow to use my foot sparinglyin order to preserve the health of this planet. Joseph Emet
Wine as Sacrament
By Leslie Rawls
At retreats and in Sangha discussions, friends often ask about the use of wine in religious ceremonies in light of the Fifth Mindfulness Training's prohibition on alcohol. Some practitioners are comfortable offering juice instead…
The Singing Sangha
By Quyen Do In the old days, Zen masters sometimes used strong methods to help their students be mindful, to help liberate them from affliction and realize their Buddha nature. A teacher might…
Creating a Mindful Workplace
By Jerry Braza The power and beauty of practicing mindfulness in our day-to-day lives is obvious. It can be a wonderful challenge to incorporate mindfulness into our workplace environments, where the concept may be…
Poem: I Am
There is light.There is shadow.I walk in both.Once, I fed five thousandwith a handful of loaves and fishes;Once again, I wrenched the gold fillingsfrom the teeth of the stacked deadat…