Dharma Talk: Breathing for Our Children
By Thich Nhat Hanh in December 1998
Before he passed away, the Buddha instructed his disciples to take refuge in the island of mindfulness within themselves by practicing mindfulness in sitting, walking, breathing, and every activity of daily life. Mindfulness means to be aware of what is…
From the Editor
Published in December 1998
Mindful breathing is often the first practice we learn, and one we spend a lifetime trying to remember. Last summer, Thich Nhat Hanh led a three-week retreat in Vermont on the practice of mindful breathing. His Dharma talk in this issue originated in that…
The Energy of Love
By Nguyen Anh-Huong in December 1998
Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out. When I invest all of my being into my breath, this exercise becomes a mantra. I entrust myself completely to my breathing, and I know I…
Other articles in this issue
The Seasons of Practice
By Eileen Kiera I return to mindfulness of my breath as to a prayer-not prayer as supplication, but as a willingness to be open to what is unfolding in each moment. With conscious…
Re-Spiriting a Campus
By Jerry Braza and Robert Henderson Our University Stress Management Class begins at 9:30 every Tuesday and Thursday morning. At precisely ten o'clock, the campus bell chimes and the entire class stops. We listen,…
Gatha: Breathing In, Breathing Out
Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out. Breathing in, I see myself as a flower. Breathing out, I feel fresh. Breathing in, I see…
The Gift of the Bell
By Leslie Rawls
Editing this issue of The Mindfulness Bell, I have been able to focus on my breath as a reality, not as a habit. The habit is when the bell rings, I stop…
Poem: Each Wave
Today I heard the oceanbreathing in and out. It would not stop, just that sound, no more no less. I think that is how the Earth stays alive-- lung ocean breathing for…
Poem by Leslie Rawls
By Leslie Rawls
Sweeter than apples, More precious than papery leaves Gilded by silver moonlight. Breath!
Poem by Columbine Family
The breeze gently caresses my face touching me in ways not known before. Its energy reminds me of breath, the breath brings me to one with all that is, then…
Waking Up
When Thay was in the United States last June, I dreamed he had died. For me, it was a nightmare; I woke in a panic. I immediately started to have regrets. I…
Poem: Walking with Mother
Day 1 New hip, right side, burden and promise. One step, two steps, move the walker. Canes in uncertain hands, she looks back. The walker beckons, an old friend waiting.…
A Center in Hawai’i
The Community of Mindful Living's dream of helping start a residential mindfulness retreat center took a significant step forward this month (January 1999). Bennett Dorrance, Healing Touch of the Heart, has purchased the 638-acre…
North American Gathering
By Michael Trigilio On October 10, 1998, North American Order of Interbeing members gathered for a three-day retreat at Green Mountain Dharma Center in Vermont. Seasoned practitioners and "rookies" like me traveled from…
Report from Jerusalem
By Yacov Granot Learning of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in November 1996, Michael Rosenbush invited Thich Nhat Hanh to Israel to plant seeds of healing. Thay agreed and in May…
Passages Died: Samar Andert, True Original Mirror, of Stuttgart, Germany died on January 4, 1998. Sister Jina New Abbess On December 20, 1998, Sister Jina was joyfully installed as abbess of Dharma…
Poem by Steven Doloff
The prickly cradle of my dreams rocks, waking me again and again. Steven Doloff New York, New York