Dharma Talk: Sangha
By Thich Nhat Hanh in September 1997
We all need love. Without enough love, we may not be able to survive, as individuals and as a planet. It is said that the next Buddha will be named "Maitreya," the Buddha of Love. I believe that Maitreya might…
The Six Concords
Published in September 1997
The Buddha taught Six Concords to help his disciples have happiness in their daily life together. Concord is the basis of a Sanghakaya. The first is the Concord of "bodily action." A Sangha lives together like a family. Our actions…
From the Editor
Published in September 1997
While The Mindfulness Bell is officially the journal of the Order of Interbeing, our hope is to reach beyond the Order's core community to include everyone who finds Thich Nhat Hanh's teachings and practice inspiring. This global Sangha is made up of a wide…
Other articles in this issue
Poem by Marianne Coulin
In the heart of the coldest winterI no longer shiver, I feel warm.The Sangha is here, dear Sangha! In the heart of the driest desertI no longer shrivel, I feel…
Compassion in the Courtroom
By Gerard B. Wattigny Not long ago, my job called me to sentence a man who was 76 years old. He had killed two men and wounded another. These shootings occurred in…
Poem by Sister Thuc Nghiem
In the kitchen late at night,my mother takes care of an injured wild birdto show her daughter how to love.I bathed my mother's cold and still bodyas best I could.I…
Deciding How to Decide
By Dennis Bohn It took the New York Metropolitan Community of Mindfulness about a year to develop the document on decision making (see below). Some people were surprised that it took so long.…
Family Retreats
By Mitchell Ratner
By Ann-Mari Gemmill & Mitchell Ratner Every fall and spring for the past five years, members of the Washington Mindfulness Community retreat to an old lodge on the Chesapeake Bay. The lodge…
New Mindfulness Centers in Washington State
Two new practice centers have opened in Washington State over the past year. Last autumn , Dharma teacher Eileen Kiera of the Mountain Lamp Community and her husband, Jack Duffy, Roshi, purchased 40…
PassagesOrdained: Paul Koeppler, True Eye of the Sangha, was ordained into the Order of Interbeing by Karl Schmied in Germany on May 31, 1997.Bronson Rozier, Boundless Compassionate Insight, was ordained into the Order…
Letters to The Mindfulness Bell
We received the last issue of The Mindfulness Bell and use it at our meetings. We read Thay's article, "Liberation from Suffering" and were delighted by the deep wisdom of his words. Thank…