Dharma Talk: The Practice of Prayer
By Thich Nhat Hanh in June 1996
What is prayer? To whom should we pray? Does prayer bring results? Thich Nhat Hanh A five-year-old boy who loved playing with his pet mouse was deeply wounded when his mouse tunneled deep into the earth and didn’t come back,…
From the Editors
Published in June 1996
In this issue of The Mindfulness Bell, we focus on prayer in its many forms. Thich Nhat Hanh's Dharma teaching explores how we define prayer and its effectiveness. Several Sangha members offer reflections on how they have woven a "tapestry of prayer and mindfulness…
A Breath Prayer
Published in June 1996
By Marjean Bailey When I was young, I was taught that prayer was "talking with God" and that there were two kinds of prayer: praise and petition. I was not quite sure what praise was, but guessed that it was taken care of…
Other articles in this issue
A Prayer of Mercy
By Jim Forest
In 1967 and 1968, I was often Thich Nhat Hanh's traveling companion. In the 1970s I lived with him for a time in France, so I carry from those years not only…
Holy Week
By Joan Monastero Each year, I spend Holy Week at the Nevada Test Site. The groups I have come to cherish there are Nevada Desert Experience, The Catholic Worker, and Pace e Bene—all…
Poem: A Deep, Clear Pool
Moss green, cool water,unruffled pondstop the endless tapesin my headand dip intothe cool, clear silence within.Distant voices, heard, but not heard—underground source,limitless, wordlesspeace. Chris OpieFoster City, California
Tapestry of Prayer
By Susan Murphy Since 1982, I have been practicing Buddhist meditation and Christian contemplative prayer. Both have been very meaningful in my own spiritual formation, and I have come to recognize both traditions…
The Dawn
By Webb Batchelor I have been very bitter for many years of my life because of serious disappointments and difficulties. For almost 60 years, it has seemed that pain, fear, and sorrow…
Solitary Practice in “The Hole”
By Mark French Recently I was taken away to solitary confinement for investigation purposes. "The Hole" is supposed to be the most restrictive prison environment—one man, one bare cell, and only personal hygiene,…
Poem: Blossom
I am a bulb.For many years I have been lockedinside a cold garage.I have been very sad.I have been very lonely.I almost turned into dust.It's a wonder I survived!But I…
Closing the Door
By Mushim Ikeda-Nash On Thursday, April 11, my father, Robert Yoshizo Ikeda, died in his sleep at his home on Lake Anna in Virginia. My son Joshua and I were visiting at…
Five Remembrances of Jim
By Therese Fitzgerald 1. I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old. One time when Arnie and I visited Jim in the hospital, I asked…
Tea at Plum Village
By Jim Fauss Four of us returned to the Lower Hamlet about 8:30 p.m., after seeing off our dear sister Tuyen at the train station. As we drove up, we could see…
Renewing Buddhism
By Sister Annabel Laity
Sister Tue Nghiem and I visited Thailand in March, the hottest month of the year there. Apart from enjoying a wonderful selection of tropical fruits and mango with sticky rice, we led retreats…
Jade Candles Transmission Ceremony You are warmly invited to the Jade Candles Precepts Transmission Ceremony, to be held in Plum Village from November 30 to December 3 this year. A jade candle signifies…
Vietnam: Call to Action
By Stephen Denney Since the last issue of The Mindfulness Bell, the situation of the two most prominent imprisoned monks has not changed significantly. Ven. Thich Quang Do, Sec.-Gen. of the Unified Buddhist…
Letters to the Mindfulness Bell
On my drive home from the Open Way Sangha retreat at Loon Lake, Montana, I stopped in Deer Lodge to stretch and rest from the no-speed-limit limit in Montana. I pulled up nearby…