Dharma Talk: True Presence
By Thich Nhat Hanh in December 1995
Thich Nhat Hanh's Dharma talk on being truly present for our loved ones, the Four Mantras of True Love, and loving kindness meditation
Letter from Sister Chan Khong
By Sister Chan Khong in December 1995
Village des PruniersMeyrac, Loubes-Bernac 47120, France Dear Friends, With great pleasure, we send you this Mindfulness Bell, the newsletter of the Order of Interbeing. Many friends around the world will receive this issue, including subscribers, supporters, members of the core community…
Thich Nhat Hanh’s Fall 1995 Visit to North America
Published in December 1995
Thay, Sister Chan Khong, and ten monks and nuns from Plum Village arrived in Los Angeles on September 10 to begin a month-long tour of North America. Their first week was in southern California, dedicated to the Vietnamese community—a four-day retreat near San Bernardino and a Sunday public lecture in…
Other articles in this issue
Introduction of Thay
Mrs. Raisa Gorbachev, President Gorbachev, and all the wonderful and distinguished people who are here. Rigoberta Menchu in her keynote address yesterday said that there is a lot of power for good in…
Out of the Monastery, Into the World
By Alix Madrigal Though he spends more time with monks and nuns than politicians, Zen Buddhist monk and best-selling author Thich Nhat Hanh—Peace Is Every Step and the new Living Buddha, Living Christ—is…
Human Relations, Human Rights
By Thich Nhat Hanh
I am more than Vietnamese. I am also a citizen of the world. We must be aware of the "interbeing" of all countries' happiness. Happiness is not an individual matter. The happiness of…
Two Magnolia Trees
By Dai-En Bennage One day when I was a child of eight or nine, my father brought home a young magnolia tree in blossom to plant in our garden of the many…
Poem by Olgierd Dilis
So many thoughts and ideasattachments and desiresSo many expectationsjudgments and opinionsMust give way to unattached mindimmersed in eternal nowFilled up with original silence. Olgierd DilisWarsaw, Poland
Present Moments in China
By Jamie Burnett I read the last issue of The Mindfulness Bell with surprise and great joy. I had just visited many of the same places that Thay and others had traveled…
Embracing the Fourth Precept
By Eurydice Hirsey During the summer at Plum Village in 1994, my husband, Barry Roth, was ordained as a Dharma teacher; I took the Fourteen Precepts of the Order of Interbeing; and our…
Peace Talking
By Kim Redemer I left my home in Thailand to come live in California 17 years ago. Although I consider myself to be quite Americanized, I still have plenty of cross-cultural clashes.…
Awakened by an Accident
By Robert Reed I am not always mindful while driving the car, but on this particular morning when I cheated death, the radio was off and I was consciously following my breath,…
A Time for Healing
By Paul Dewey As a full-time practicing alcoholic, I put hundreds of thousands of highway miles behind me with little or no regard for who or what was in front of me.…
The Reward Is Tremendous
By Richard Brady
By Richard Brady & Audrey Russek When I first read The Miracle of Mindfulness in the spring of 1988, none of my friends was involved with meditation. It turned out that Chris, a…
Article by Beth Syre Hill
I just finished reading Thich Nhat Hanh's book, Peace Is Every Step, and it truly moved me. I feel a lot better because I practice mindfulness and breathing. I think this practice is…
Joyful Dishwashing
By Shuko Maseda One day my mother gave me the book, Peace Is Every Step. After reading about 30 pages, I found myself reading deeply, as if I were absorbing with my eyes…
Sangha Solstice Celebration
By Michel Colville & Fred Allendorf Open Way Sangha in Montana has celebrated the Winter Solstice together for the last four years. Winter Solstice is the first day of winter…
The Sangha Our Heart
By Alberto Annicchiarico Last summer, Thich Nhat Hanh reminded us that the practice is wherever we are. "Practicing is always possible," he explained, "but one of the most important steps is to…
Buddhist Prisoners in Vietnam
By Stephen Denney In the last issue of The Mindfulness Bell, we reported the trial of Venerable Thich Quang Do, age 68, and five other members of the Unified Buddhist Church of…
Floods in Vietnam
By Sister Chan Khong
In South Vietnam, our team has visited and helped people in Long An and Dong Thap whose lives have been devastated by the floods. Our team worked in four villages—Binh Thanh, hamlets one…
Reflections by Thay on the Order of Interbeing
By Thich Nhat Hanh
These notes were taken by Therese Fitzgerald at a gathering in Virginia, following an ordination ceremony for eight new members of the Order of Interbeing Core Community. The Order of Interbeing…