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Magazine & Subscriptions
For questions related to the magazine, subscriptions, submissions, or general inquiries, email mb@parallax.org
If you receive a subscription through the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation, please direct your inquiry to info@thichnhathanhfoundation.org
If you receive a subscription through the UK Community of Interbeing, please direct your inquiry to Sarahsweet8906@gmail.com
Website Inquiries
Report any technical issues and/or questions, suggestions, or comments related to the website to maarten@parallax.org
Global Sangha Directory
The Sangha Directory only lists Sanghas that practice in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. To add a group or update your Sangha listing use this form. For questions about the Sangha Directory direct your inquiry to brandysacks@gmail.com