By Ty Eppsteiner and Friends
Well it’s Cool Kid Sid around the block,
You know, the one who dances to rap and rock.
He was born as a prince in Southern Nepal.
His parents thought he was the greatest of all.
A fortune teller told them to raise Sid with care,
Or else he’d leave home and they’d all despair.
He grew up with everything a kid could want.

By Ty Eppsteiner and Friends
Well it's Cool Kid Sid around the block,
You know, the one who dances to rap and rock.
He was born as a prince in Southern Nepal.
His parents thought he was the greatest of all.
A fortune teller told them to raise Sid with care,
Or else he'd leave home and they'd all despair.
He grew up with everything a kid could want.
But with all that, he was still nonchalant
He was a sports jock and a straight A student,
never lost his cool, and was always prudent.
Even though he grew up in the lap of luxury,
He was still not truly ha-ha-happy.
One day he went outside of the wall
and his high hopes started to fall.
He saw suffering and much, much more—
there was an old man, a sick man, and a dead man on the floor.
Then there was a monk walking down the street.
Sid said, "Yo man, you're looking pretty neat."
He was talking in the most awesome way.
He was teaching peace all through the day.
This was where it all began.
From then on Sid was a Buddha-man.
Ty and Karuna Eppsteiner (age 11) and Jesse Silver (age 7) gave an animated presentation of this poem during the recent summer session at Plum Village. Sid, of course, is Siddhartha.