Poem by Travis Masch

You and I, my brother,
are not different. Yet there is much I can learn from you—I can
to drive my roots down deep into Earth’s rich soil
and become steadfast;
I can learn to grow against the sky
and be a calm, patient resting place
for many chattering friends who come along;
I can learn to stay pliable
and gently sway in the winds of change,

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You and I, my brother,
are not different. Yet there is much I can learn from you—I can
to drive my roots down deep into Earth's rich soil
and become steadfast;
I can learn to grow against the sky
and be a calm, patient resting place
for many chattering friends who come along;
I can learn to stay pliable
and gently sway in the winds of change,
for they will pass, and we remain.
Should the sky above decide to seek me out
as lightning's aim,
I will not argue with my lot, nor quiver.
For even split apart and scattered,
life would soon begin anew.
I will not fade away
but only be transformed
into something even more glorious.

Travis Masch
San Francisco, California

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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