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On this land

On this land we scattered Thầy’s ashes
Thousands of our mindful steps imprinted on the soils 
Each mindful breath we took was our dedication to peace
To embrace anyone who came to seek refuge

On this land a mother hid her pain
When her beloved son had such a short time on Earth
He is forever here
Can you see the cherry blossom always blooming ahead of many?
It is his presence in another form welcoming us
We are never born and we never die
Do not be sad. 

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On this land we scattered Thầy’s ashes
Thousands of our mindful steps imprinted on the soils 
Each mindful breath we took was our dedication to peace
To embrace anyone who came to seek refuge

On this land a mother hid her pain
When her beloved son had such a short time on Earth
He is forever here
Can you see the cherry blossom always blooming ahead of many?
It is his presence in another form welcoming us
We are never born and we never die
Do not be sad. 
You can find me again if you are truly here

On this land, we can see a family showing their joy
Knowing their father had transformed in peace
His wonderful voice is still here
The birds singing for him
The wind playing music with the trees
A concerto in his memory 

On this land we witness the return
Of an old couple and their wish
for a meditation practice centre a long time ago
They were no longer in their physical forms and we said goodbye…
When we met their continuations
Tears, joy, and happiness all came at the same time
We all knew they were here with us
Listening to the Dharma talk, drinking tea, 
reading a poem, and singing a Kookaburra song 
Just like in the old days

Part of this land was given to us with pure grace 
Nothing being asked 
Nothing in return
Just simply pure love
From a wonderful family 

This land is where we return
To let go of our busyness 
To return to ourselves
Simply living in the moment 
Spring, summer, autumn, and winter came by
Witnessing the joy of simple life 

On this land someone cut the grass by hand
Patiently planting many seeds 
His sweat and pain, his vision is slowly moving forward 
He faced the toughest days and the happiest days here
Knowing nothing to it
Just believing and never tiring of planting the good seeds
For generations to come

On this land you and I sit by the waterfall, meditating 
and each breath we took we felt the forest
Permeating deeply within each cell of our bodies 
Our ancestors’ grove is witnessing 
a Sangha was formed 

The bell sounding morning, noon and night 
Calling, calling 
“Beloved ones, are you home yet?”

Mountain Spring Monastery, August 2023 

photo by Thủy Cù

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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