By Daniela and Julius
We go to Momentous School. We like Momentous School because it teaches us a lot. Like how to add and subtract, and about music and rhythm and art. It inspires us to learn.
We do mindfulness at our school. Mindfulness means being calm and quiet. It controls us from being crazy and it helps us pay attention to learning. Sometimes we close our eyes and sometimes we look down.
By Daniela and Julius
We go to Momentous School. We like Momentous School because it teaches us a lot. Like how to add and subtract, and about music and rhythm and art. It inspires us to learn.
We do mindfulness at our school. Mindfulness means being calm and quiet. It controls us from being crazy and it helps us pay attention to learning. Sometimes we close our eyes and sometimes we look down. Then Ms. Barrow rings the chime and we breathe in and out slowly. Then she tells us to go to our desks and she tells us what we are going to do today.
Last year we made love drops. They were rocks with hearts and words like “love” and “kind.” All of our friends in first grade and some big kids in our school painted them. Then we went to a big park downtown and hid the rocks so that we could give love to the world. Love drops are about giving love to the world and taking care of other people. We had to hide them somewhere safe, safe, safe. I bet people found them and took them home and shared love to the world.
Daniela and Julius are students at Momentous School in Dallas, Texas, where mindfulness is integrated into every aspect of the school community.