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Letter from the Editors

Dear Thay, dear Sangha,

The way we consume can be a way of practicing violence or practicing peace. This collection—full of nourishing teachings and delectable stories—offers beautiful ways to foster peace as we prepare our food and enjoy each morsel.

The first section, “Food from the Heart,” shares wisdom for nurturing our mindfulness and compassion, especially when we are struggling with strong emotions. “Sustaining Life” makes a case for adopting a plant-based diet and celebrates the rewards of a vegan lifestyle.

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Dear Thay, dear Sangha,

The way we consume can be a way of practicing violence or practicing peace. This collection—full of nourishing teachings and delectable stories—offers beautiful ways to foster peace as we prepare our food and enjoy each morsel.

The first section, “Food from the Heart,” shares wisdom for nurturing our mindfulness and compassion, especially when we are struggling with strong emotions. “Sustaining Life” makes a case for adopting a plant-based diet and celebrates the rewards of a vegan lifestyle. In “Planting Seeds,” we learn practical and delicious ways to succeed in healthy, plant-based eating. Sprinkled throughout these pages are unforgettable teachings from Thich Nhat Hanh as well as guided meditations to support us in having a good relationship with food, feeding ourselves well, and building compassionate community.

On the topic of nourishment, I would like to thank the Sangha—each one of you—for deeply nourishing and supporting me as managing editor throughout the past seven years. It has been such a joy, filled with so much love, for me to serve in this way. As I step out of the position and move on to new adventures, I am very happy to hand the torch to Hong-An. Her bright spirit and wide array of skills are already helping the Mindfulness Bell to deepen its strong roots and to stretch in new directions. 

May we each be bells of mindfulness for each other and always welcome each other with kindness.

Love and gratitude,

Natascha Bruckner, True Ocean of Jewels

Dear brothers and sisters,

I feel honored to take over the position of managing editor for the Mindfulness Bell. I would like to thank Natascha Bruckner for her service and dedication to the magazine for seven years. It has been a joy to collaborate with her on this issue. It is also my aspiration to continue featuring contributions from our friends worldwide that truly nourish your practice and your Sangha. 

I became a vegan three years ago, after living for a year in Plum Village, out of respect for animals. Reviewing our friends’ contributions helped me to remember my intention to follow a plant-based diet as much as I can in my daily life. I hope you will enjoy this issue as much as I did, and I thank you for being on this path with me.

Hong-An, Conscious Aspiration of the Heart

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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