Letter from the Editor

photo courtesy of monastic Sangha

Dear Thay, dear Sangha, 

Our editorial team decided to continue exploring ways to cultviate joy in the midst of the pandemic, social justice, and systemic racial oppression. We received so many heartfelt submissions about these important topics this past year that we hope to publish them in every issue to support freedom and healing in our world. 

Thich Nhat Hanh’s Dharma talk,

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photo courtesy of monastic Sangha

Dear Thay, dear Sangha, 

Our editorial team decided to continue exploring ways to cultviate joy in the midst of the pandemic, social justice, and systemic racial oppression. We received so many heartfelt submissions about these important topics this past year that we hope to publish them in every issue to support freedom and healing in our world. 

Thich Nhat Hanh’s Dharma talk, “Fearlessness and Togetherness,” features a series of questions and answers on practicing with anger and fear and navigating suffering. In the first section, “Sustaining Earth,” Sister Chan Duc offers a Dharma talk on connecting to the earth and international practitioners reflect on working on the Happy Farm in Plum Village France and on taking refuge in Mother Earth. In “Navigating Grief,” we learn about the different approaches to healing the suffering with our families and with ourselves. “Racial Healing” reflects on observations about racial oppression and inequities in Palestine, Israel, and the United States. “Sangha Initiatives” offers updates about Wake Up Schools worldwide, insights about Thich Nhat Hanh’s early years and his vision of the School of Youth for Social Service, and reflections about similarities between the Wake Up movement and Extinction Rebellion. 

May these offerings be nourishing and healing for you. 

Hong-An, Conscious Aspiration of the Heart 

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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