As we were preparing this issue of Mindfulness Bell, the world’s leaders were in Rio to look deeply at the state of the Earth (although in the present political atmosphere, it was difficult for them to put the needs of all people, animals, plants, rivers, mountains, forests, and air above what they regard as their own “self’-interest), and the first international Council of the Tiep Hien Order, the Order of Interbeing, was held at Plum Village, in France.
As we were preparing this issue of Mindfulness Bell, the world's leaders were in Rio to look deeply at the state of the Earth (although in the present political atmosphere, it was difficult for them to put the needs of all people, animals, plants, rivers, mountains, forests, and air above what they regard as their own "self'-interest), and the first international Council of the Tiep Hien Order, the Order of Interbeing, was held at Plum Village, in France. In this Mindfulness Bell, we offer a Buddhist approach to environmental issues, hoping to shed some light on this important policymaking debate. We begin with Thay's teachings on the environment and interbeing, and we complement these with details about the global crises, environmental education, the 1991 environmentalists' retreat, a rainforest journey, and saving the world without burning out. Following our regular features on Daily Practice, Sangha News, Announcements, and Letters, we end with Thay's proposal for a new practice, the Peace Treaty. We hope you find this issue nurturing of the environment, your relationships, and yourself.
-Therese Fitzgerald, Arnie Kotler, Carole Melkonian