We are happy to offer this new Mindfulness Bell, on the theme of returning to our true home. Thich Nhat Hanh’s opening article, edited from a lecture given to 3,500 people in Berkeley last October, encourages us to become deeply rooted in our spiritual and blood families so we can enter the present moment fully, with strength and ease. The experiential pieces that follow describe the challenges of being present with difficult states of mind, family members, and neighbors, and in the midst of war,
We are happy to offer this new Mindfulness Bell, on the theme of returning to our true home. Thich Nhat Hanh's opening article, edited from a lecture given to 3,500 people in Berkeley last October, encourages us to become deeply rooted in our spiritual and blood families so we can enter the present moment fully, with strength and ease. The experiential pieces that follow describe the challenges of being present with difficult states of mind, family members, and neighbors, and in the midst of war, poverty, and oppression. Returning to the anchor of mindfulness holds us steadfast to arrive home and know how to respond with care for all. Beginning with this issue, The Mindfulness Bell is officially the newsletter of the international Order of Interbeing, which was founded by Thich Nhat Hanh nearly 30 years ago as an expression of mindfulness in every aspect of our lives. To learn more about the Order, we encourage you to look at the newly revised edition of Interbeing: Fourteen Guidelines for Engaged Buddhism, from Parallax Press.
Our next issue will be on "Mindfulness in the Workplace." Many of you spend most of your waking hours at work, so we especially welcome your insights and struggles in trying to shine the light of mindfulness there.
We hope you are keeping well and happy, warm and safe.
—Therese Fitzgerald, Carole Melkonian, and Arnie Kotler