Let us live deeply, free from our afflictions,
aware of impermanence
so that life does not drift away without meaning.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Stepping into Freedom
A Lovely Morning at the Crematorium
By Professor Jeremy David Engels on
A lay friend shares a poem written while visiting the crematorium outside of Thầy’s hometown of Huế, Vietnam.
Gāthās for the Practice of Mindful Living
By Thich Nhat Hanh on
A selection of short verses to recite during daily activities to help us return to our practice of mindfulness
Welcome Letter
By Brother Pháp Lưu on
Thầy put forth a radical idea: to root a renewed form of Buddhist monasticism in the West, with a body of precepts adapted to modern times. …
Articles published online weekly.
A curated collection of these articles will be published in a print and PDF issue in March 2025.