285 items
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Mindful Arts in the Classroom
Stories and Creative Activities for Social and Emotional Learning
Written especially for the teacher or camp director who wants to bring mindfulness, social and emotional learning (SEL), and the arts into their busy day through storytelling and fun games,...
The Mindfulness Bell: Autumn 2021, Issue 88
A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. Featuring: “The Art of Transforming Suffering” by Thich Nhat Hanh, “Resting Back and Trusting the Unknown” by Kaira Jewel Lingo, “Gathas for the Practice of Mindful Living” with Brother Chan Phap Luu, “Contemplations of the Five Mindfulness Trainings” by Marisela Gomez and Valerie Brown, sharings from practitioners on social justice, service as chaplains, navigating suffering, Wake Up, schools, and much more...
Under the Rose Apple Tree
In this sequel to A Pebble for Your Pocket, Zen teacher, poet, and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh looks deeply at the issues that confront young people in today's society....
Touching Peace
Practicing the Art of Mindful Living
In Touching Peace, Thich Nhat Hanh expands the teachings on practicing the art of mindful living begun in the best selling Being Peace by giving specific, practical instructions on extending...
Wisdom for Cooling the Flames
It was under the bodhi tree in India twenty-five centuries ago that Buddha achieved the insight that three states of mind were the source of all our unhappiness: wrong knowing,...
Mystery How To Box
Enjoy five bestselling handbooks from the Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Mindfulness Essentials Series. This Mystery How To Box will includes 5 out of the 8 handbooks, How to Sit, How to...
Sleep Wise
How to Feel Better, Work Smarter, and Build Resilience
The Center for Disease Control considers insufficient sleep a national public health epidemic— nearly 30% of adults and two–thirds of all high school students report they regularly get insufficient sleep....
Sea Libre Donde Este
Sea Libre Donde Este is the Spanish translation of Be Free Where You Are, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s compendium of core teachings. A transcription of a talk given at...
Our Earth, Our Home
The Essential Japanese Green Living Handbook for Kids
Beautifully illustrated, energetic guide from Japan for forward-thinking kids and parents on how to live in harmony with our earth—contains sections on DIY crafts, design thinking, mindfulness, gardening, eating, permaculture,...
Transformation at the Base
50 Verses on the Nature of Consciousness
A finalist for the 2001 Nautilus award, Transformation at the Base is a profound look at Buddhist psychology with insights into how these ancient teachings apply to the modern world....
The Art of Money
A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness
The Art of Money brings mindfulness, body-based awareness, and radical self-love to one of our most troublesome relationships, the one with our money.
Mop Rides the Waves of Change
A Mop Rides Story: Save the Ocean with Mindfulness, Surfing, and a Band
When surfer kid Mop sees plastic in the ocean, he gets mad. But with mindfulness, he realizes anger won't save the waves, and he turns his difficult feelings into a...
Seeking Soulmate
Ditch the Dating Game and Find Real Connection
Transform dating and the often-fraught search for a fulfilling relationship into a fun, exciting adventure using mindfulness techniques and practices. Dating is a 2 billion dollar industry. Everyone, it seems,...
The Mindfulness Bell: Summer 2021, Issue 87
A journal of the art of mindful living in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
This issue is included in our digital subscriptions. Featuring Dharma talks “The Art of Transforming Suffering” by Thich Nhat Hanh, “How to Be Your Own Soulmate” by Sister Dang Nghiem, and “Busynessless” by Brother Chan Phap Dung; sharings from monastics and practitioners on truly loving ourselves, living harmony, gratitude, mindful community, and more.
Where Did Poppy Go?
A Story about Loss, Grief, and Renewal
After a grandfather dies, a father and son journey forward through seasons and time, discovering how our loved ones remain with us even after they pass on.
Finding Our True Home
Living in the Pure Land Here and Now
Finding Our True Home presents a new definitive translation of the Amitabha Sutra along with Thích Nhất Hạnh’s first commentary on one of the most practiced forms of Buddhism in...
A Way of Life
Zen Monastics at Work and at Play
The beauty and joy of monks and nuns at work and play is captured in this inspiring photobook, with quotes from Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh.
Small Bites
Mindfulness for Everyday Use
Drawing on her experiences as a Buddhist teacher in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, Annabelle Zinser developed meditation and mindfulness practices for a variety of everyday situations and the...
Child’s Mind
Mindfulness Practices to Help Our Children Be More Focused, Calm, and Relaxed
The interest in teaching children meditation is growing rapidly, as a number of recent stories in the mainstream media have documented, including NPR, The New York Times, and London Telegraph....
A Rose for Your Pocket
A Rose for Your Pocket is a beautiful prose poem on motherhood by Vietnamese Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh. He reminds us of the qualities embodied by our mother and...
Tiny Gratitudes
Tiny Gratitudes shares full-color illustrated moments from daily life, captured in miniature detail and offers a beautiful reminder of the joy that can be found in even the most ordinary...
Parenting in the Present Moment
How to Stay Focused on What Really Matters
This generation of parents is overwhelmed with parenting advice; Carla Naumburg sets out to remind them that they have everything they need to raise healthy, happy children. Mindful parenting is...
Awake at 3 AM
Yoga Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Pregnancy and Early Motherhood
Pregnancy and new motherhood are often thought of as the most joyful, exciting, and blissful times in your life—but they can also be difficult and overwhelming. Awake at 3 AM...
A Love Letter to the Planet
A Love Letter to the Planet is part of the Parallax Press Moments series of short ebooks. It is a passionate appeal from Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh for ecological...
Unfinished Conversation
Healing from Suicide and Loss
Unfinished Conversation is a story of profound grief and the journey to healing that followed. Based on a journal Robert Lesoine kept during the two years following the suicide of his...