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eBook FAQs

General Information

What are eBooks?

An eBook is an electronic version of a printed book.

What file format do you offer?

We currently offer eBooks in ePub fileformat.

Are there other file formats available?

While we don’t offer any other eBook file formats on our website, there are other digital publication formats out there.

Purchasing/Buying eBooks

How do I purchase/order an eBook?

Just like you would order for the physical copies of the book. Add the ePub to your shopping cart and head to check out once you are finished shopping.

Can I order both the physical copy and eBook version of the book?

Yes. You can put both versions in your shopping cart.

After purchasing the eBook, how do I download and read it?

An email detailing your purchase will be sent to the email address you provide at checkout. In the email there will be an link of each eBook you purchase. After clicking the link the file will download directly to the device you are using at that moment.

In case you have an account on, you will be directed to log in before downloading the file. You can also download all your purchased from your downloads page.

The eBook isn’t in my library, what should I do?

You can find the file in the “downloads” folder of your device. You can then open this file with your favourite eReader application.

I made a mistake! I didn’t mean to purchase the eBook, can I return it?

No. You cannot return an eBook that has been purchased. eBook purchases are not refundable. So, please, before you buy, be sure that the eBook you order are compatible with your device.

Reading and Using ePubs

Can I read ePubs on my Apple products? (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, etc?)

Yes. You need to have an eReader app installed. Apple’s free default eReader is Apple Books.

Can I read ePubs on my Windows computer?

Yes. You need to have an eReader app installed. On Windows you can download Freda or the Sumatra PDF reader for free.

Can I read ePubs on Android devices?

Yes. You need to have an eReader app installed. For instance the ReadEra app.

Can I read ePubs on my Kindle?

Yes, since the end of 2022 the Kindle supports reading ePub’s. You can transfer you books in different ways.

Transfer books to Kindle via USB

  1. Connect your device to the computer via USB.
  2. Double click the drive to open it and view the folders.
  3. Select the item you want to transfer (mobi or pdf).
  4. Copy books to the folder (documents) under Kindle drive.
  5. Enjoy reading!

Transfer books to Kindle via email

  1. Find your ‘send to kindle’ email address by going to your device’s preferences on, scroll down to Personal Document Settings and look for the email address under Send-to-Kindle E-Mail Settings.
  2. Make sure your own email address is in the Approved Personal Document E-mail List
  3. Send an email to your ‘send to kindle’ email address with the file as an attachment.
  4. Open your Kindle and make sure it has an internet connection so it can download your eBook.
  5. Enjoy reading!

Can I read ePubs on my Nook?

Nook for Windows:

  1. To import (or side-load) PDF or ePub files to your NOOK via the computer.
  2. Swipe up from the bottom of the Home screen and select Import, or swipe right to the More section in My Library and select Import. This will display a file menu you can navigate in order to find the file to import into your library.
  3. Tap or click on the file to select it.
  4. Tap or click on the Import button to add it to your NOOK Library.
  5. You can view and open imported files from the My Files section of your NOOK Library.
  6. Enjoy reading!

Nook for Apple:

  1. Open iTunes on your PC or Mac.
  2. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your PC or Mac and select your device in iTunes. (It will appear in the Devices list in the left-hand column.)
  3. In the main iTunes window, select the Apps tab.
  4. Scroll down to the File Sharing section and select the NOOK application in the Apps list.
  5. Drag ePub files into the NOOK Documents panel. (Or click Add… to navigate to your ePub files.) iTunes will copy the files to your device.
  6. Once iTunes has finished syncing to your device, disconnect your iPhone or iPad from the PC or Mac.
  7. Open the NOOK app on your iPhone/iPad.
  8. In the library, perform a manual sync by touching the Sync button.
  9. You should now be able to open and read your eBooks using the NOOK app.
  10. Enjoy reading!

Can I open ePubs in Adobe Acrobat?

No, with Adobe Acrobat you can open pdf’s, but not ePubs. There are many different eBook applications that enable you to read eBooks on your devices. If you’d like to use an Adobe product, you can download Adobe Digital Editions.

Are there restrictions on my ePub?

While there are no technical restrictions on your ePub file, enabling you to read your eBook on any of your devices, a Social DRM has been added to each ePub you purchase. Also copyright laws apply to the usage of your ePub and its content.

What is a Social DRM? Why does it appear when I purchase my ePub?

It can be described as a type of personalised watermark that contains your specific user information. It is used as a way to prevent outside distribution and piracy.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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