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Thich Nhat Hanh

People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.

Articles in The Mindfulness Bell

Meditation for 1995

May I be peaceful, happy, and light in body and in mind.May I be safe and free from accidents.May I be free from anger, unwholesome states of mind, fear, and…

Poem: The Old Mendicant

Being rock, being gas, being mist, being Mind,being the mesons travelling among the galaxies at the speed of light,you have come here, my beloved.And your blue eyes shine, so beautiful,…

Peace Treaty

In Order That We May Live Long and Happily Together, In Order That We May Continually Develop and Deepen Our Love and Understanding, We the Undersigned, Vow to Observe and Practice…

Hugging Meditation

When you practice hugging meditation, before you hug someone, you breathe in, bow to him or her with respect, and say to yourself, "A lotus for you." If you have never seen a…

Poem: Contemplation

Since the moon is full tonight,let us call upon the stars in prayer.the power of concentration, seen through the bright,one-pointed mind, is shaking the universe. All living beings are present…

Gatha: Washing your hands

Water flows over these hands.May I use them skillfully to preserve our precious planet. gatha, a short practice poem, from Thich Nhat Hanh's Stepping into Freedom (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1997)

Poem: For Warmth

I hold my face in my two hands.No, I am not crying.I hold my face in my two handsto keep the loneliness warm—two hands protecting,two hands nourishing,two hands preventingmy soul…

Mindfulness Practice Centers

In Plum Village we have meditated for more than a year on how to offer mindfulness as a nonsectarian practice that can be applied in schools, hospitals, prisons, and society at large. According…

The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

Thay has recently replaced the ten "precepts" (sila) with the term "mindfulness trainings" (siksa) to more accurately reflect their intention and purpose. This is a term also used by the Buddha. Thay also…

Human Relations, Human Rights

I am more than Vietnamese. I am also a citizen of the world. We must be aware of the "interbeing" of all countries' happiness. Happiness is not an individual matter. The happiness of…

Poem: Open the Road Wider

Hair which is the color of precious woodis now offered as incense.Beauty becomes eternity.How wonderful the awareness of impermanence! Since everything is as a dream,the true mind is determined to…

The Way Ahead for Buddhism in Vietnam

The following proposal has been offered by Thich Nhat Hanh for bringing about reconciliation between the government of Vietnam and the Vietnamese Buddhists. 1. Protecting our Nation's Nature-Heritage (Preserving our Mother's Body): As…

An Interview with Thay

By Stanley Young During the Retreat for Environmentalists, a reporter from the Los Angeles Reader came to Camp Shalom and conducted this interview with Thay. What is your message to environmental activists?…

Poem: The Good News

The good newsthey do not print.The good newswe do print.We have a special edition every momentthat we need you to read.The good news is that you are aliveand the linden…

The Five Wonderful Precepts

Following the Spring Retreats, Thich Nhat Hanh re-translated the Five Precepts to express their implications more thoroughly and to rephrase the "Do not's" in a way that articulates these positive practices: …

New Mindfulness Verse

During the Spring Lectures and Retreats, Thich Nhat Hahn has been suggesting we use this gatha: In-OutBreathing in, I know that I am breathing in.Breathing out, I know that I…

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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