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Sophie Dipti Sarkar

Sophie Dipti Sarkar is a Bengali, Japanese, and English American artist deeply rooted in the mindfulness practices of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s Engaged Buddhist tradition. Her multifaceted artistry, encompassing paintings, mobiles, workshops, and more, reflects her spiritual upbringing amidst a family of scientists with complex histories of empire and displacement. Sarkar intertwines her passion for justice and celestial wonder in her work; she co-founded PGM ONE, one of the largest racial affinity spaces in the environmental movement, and Interwoven, a Black and Asian solidarity series and zine, to foster racial and cultural solidarity. Sarkar’s art, recognized by the Leeway Foundation’s 2022 Transformation Award, has graced venues like SOMArts San Francisco and Philadelphia’s Asian Arts Initiative. Sophie Dipti Sarkar, based in Philadelphia (Lenapehoking), is both the author and illustrator of Mixed Rice.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

00:00 / 00:00
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