Sister Trai Nghiêm
Bhikshuni Chân Trai Nghiêm (pronouns she/her) was ordained by Thích Nhất Hạnh in 2009 and became a Plum Village Dharma teacher in 2020. She grew up in Japan and emigrated to the US at the age of thirteen. Before joining the monastic order in Plum Village, France, she worked as a concert violinist for a number of years, performing around the world with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra among others. She is also a certified yoga teacher and enjoys exploring creative ways to share the Dharma that cultivate harmony and healing in body and mind. She travels annually to lead retreats in Japan and has worked on making a number of publications by Thích Nhất Hạnh available in Japanese. She resides in New Hamlet, Plum Village, France.