Renda Dionne Madrigal
The past and the future are connected, and whether this connection manifests in positive or negative ways is determined in the present.
RENDA DIONNE MADRIGAL is a Turtle Mountain Chippewa clinical psychologist and UCLA-certified mindfulness facilitator. Featured on the cover of Mindful magazine in 2018, her workshops on Mindful Families, Storytelling as Healing, and Theatre of the Oppressed are popular nationally in the United States. In her clinical practice, she teaches mindfulness to families, adults, and youth including classes on Mindful Parenting, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Mindfulness for Pain Management, Stop Breathe and Be (.B), and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Teens. She has over 20 years of experience creating and directing evidence-based family and child programs for better health. She regularly incorporates storytelling, writing, and mindfulness into her work.

The Mindful Family Guidebook
Reconnect with Spirit, Nature, and the People You Love
Turn off screentime and come back to earth with this family mindfulness guidebook from Chippewa clinical psychologist Renda Dionne Madrigal, who reconnects her family with time-honored indigenous circle practice and...