Rachel Neumann
Rachel Neumann is a Bay Area-based writer whose work focuses on civil liberties, human rights, mindfulness, and the intersection of parenting and progressive politics. She is the author of Not Quite Nirvana (Parallax Press), a contributor to the anthology The Battle of Seattle (Soft Skull Press), and the co-author of Healing (Parallax Press). She is a contributing writer to AlterNet.org and her work has appeared in The Village Voice, The Nation, Dissent Magazine, Shambhala Sun and many other national and local magazines. She is the editor for Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. She lives in Berkeley, CA.

Baby Present
Baby Present combines the inherent love babies have for one another with a tongue-in-cheek take on mindfulness for their parents and caretakers. This is for the perfect gift for the...
Long Weekend
Guidance and Inspiration for Creating Your Own Retreat
With simple mindfulness activities, healthy recipes, and suggested itineraries to recharge, build community, and inspire creativity, this beautiful photo book is full of ideas that will inspire anyone seeking relaxation...